That's the point. When LSU beats LSU, it's poor coaching. When Bama beats Bama, it's execution, not coaching. Can't have it both ways.
I didn't say there was not much talent difference, I said LSU's huge talent gap (and I meant in comparison to the whole conference, not bama in particular) was overstated. I stand by that. Ga. Fla. etc. have just as much, or pretty close. If I wasn't clear, I apologize. BTW, our 2's were recruited by whom?:miles:
But, I've been specific in saying I saw execution and disciplined play problems with LSU all year. I've never said a thing about one coach being out-coached by the others. Continually, things like this are posted in reply to what I've said on different subjects with never an example listed where I've said this or that. Do I hold any of you accountable for what others in your fan base have said or done? No. I comment on what an individual says, not what someone else said or something else I may have read. If I have the ability to separate what you say as compared to others should I expect and receive the same latitude?
Agreed. You could add Auburn to that list as well. UT is close, but too much turmoil going on behind the scenes to see that talent bring anything up 'til now. We'll see what happens this year.
Sure, and I'm not trying to imply everything I've written here came from you in particular, but the bama fan base in general. I "enjoy" your posts "relative" to the subject mannner. So, are there discipline and execution problems at Bama?
You have also said that this is CLM's defining year, which would leave me to believe you didn't have confidence in his coaching abilities in his first two years. Why does Saban get a pass for his first two years. Is it solely based on his performance at LSU? Or do you actually see an improvement in the players execution without it carrying over on the field?
Both are related, and yes, there have been execution problems this year. I've seen bad decisions, mistakes on the mental side, etc., all year long. I dare say this because I suspect I'll see some yahoo come across with the line "The SEC office is in B-ham," or, the ole refs reference, but penalties have been down which I appreciate. In the MSU game I saw what I considered a bad call by Applewhite, but I can also see if the play would have developed the way it was intended it would have been ok. The bottom line in my book is knowing what we have on staff and knowing it will take more than a spring practice and a fall practice to see its fruition on the playing field.
That's true. And, I was basing that judgement on what I saw when he was in Oklahoma. He talked a lot when he was at OSU and I've seen a few instances where he seems to be following that same MO. Saban does have credibility when it comes to a coaching resume, and yes, it's based on his time at LSU along with what he did at MSU. I have seen improvements in many different areas within the team, especially compared to what was in place last year.