We lost. Other teams haven't. It's time to get over it and accept that we are not the most deserving team right now. If we get a second chance, great. If not, I know why.
the seccg is stupid just like the sec basketball tournament is stupid. a 8-0 team can lose to a 5-3 team (even if the 8-0 team had won in the reg season) and not be the sec champ. stupid. just for a buck. the origins of all of this is the superconference craze. keep it to 8 teams with each playing every conf team.
How stupid was it in '01 when LSU beat Tenn, even though Tenn had beaten LSU in Reg season? It's the closest thing to a playoff we're ever going to get.
I think the argument of a playoff taking away from the regular season is wrong. Look at high school ball. There are plenty of teams that win all or near all of their games each year. They strive for this. It gives them a higher seeding in the playoffs and it gives them bragging rights. Just because a team starts off slow, however, doesn't mean that by the end of the season they are not the better team. What if a team is starting a freshman quarterback? There will be some growing pains. That team might drop a couple of close games early on. But, what if that QB figures things out quickly and by the middle of the season is passing for 300 yrds a game and rushing for another 100? He has grown over the season and the team is better than they were. By the last game of the season that team could very well be the best in the state. Thanks to the playoff system, they will have a chance to prove it on the field. A good team should not have their chances completely taken away due to an early loss. Without a playoff, any loss is tragic. You will fall in the polls and now be lumped into the "one loss teams". Once a team has dropped a game, in our present system, they are pretty much removed from the championship picture. At the end of the season, if there are two major schools that are unbeaten, they go to the NC. It doesn't matter if their respective conference was weak that year or not. It doesn't matter if that one loss team could mop the field with the unbeaten team, they go to a lower bowl and have no shot. The way I see it. You can't go wrong with a 4 or 8 team playoff. Our goal is to prove who is the best team in the country, right?
I think it would take away from the regular season. Lets say Mich. and OSU both go into the regular season finale unbeaten. There's almost no way that both teams wouldn't make an 8 team playoff. So, for the big rivalry, since both have their playoff slots clinched, they each rest some of their starters. Now for one of the biggest rivalry games in the country, you back-ups playing back-ups. Nobody really wants to watch that. So by having the playoffs, you diminish the value of that game. TRADITION is what college football has always hung its hat on. Don't change the system to anything that could take that away.
But in a 4 team playoff, they more than likely would not have clinched. I think the 4 team playoff is the best compromise between a full playoff, and the way it is now.
why did the game need to be played? obviously as an LSU fan i was happy about the win, but if UT had a better SEC record they should have been champs (especially since they won a h2h). the only reason to have it is because the sec is too big for every team to play the others (oh, and $).
you have to have a strict set of rules. you can't change them from one year to the next to benefit the situation. take this year for example: you have to allow for the fact that LSU & Georgia could have very easily had the same record, but they never played each other. So you need the game. It has to be definite, you can't wait until late in the year & then decide whether or not the game is necessary.
You're missing the point. It's called improving during the season. We were the better team that day in Atllanta. Plus, it kept them out of the Rose Bowl, kinda like they may have cost us the Rose this year. I liked the rematch with GA in 03'. After the GA game, everyone was saying that the better team lost that day. Playing that game gave us an opportunity to shut them up, and shut them up we did. :thumb: Conference championship games are great. Sometimes you may get stuck playing the same team twice, oh well. If you beat them once, you should be able to beat them again, right?