Where did we hear that before? Oh that's right, we said it when they started injecting this shit into people
Nope. There is no data supporting that as all the previous data was thrown out because dying "with" covid is not the same as "from" covid. Basically, its all junk. But you know, you could always provide something that says otherwise.
So why dont companies fire gays? They are the main spreaders of the Monkey-Butt-Pox... Oh, also aids. Or what about fatties... They use more water at the work place because they shit more which in turn hurts our climate wasting good water.
I have had many black friends over the years and many in church. Only a Jew converted to Orthodoxy would make that list….haven’t seen one yet.
My next door neighbor is a black, retired Army NCO. His wife & my wife are very good friends. She teaches my wife how to cook damn good Southern dishes. I teach her how to cook Cajun food. They love jambalaya.
He tried to paint me racist and antisemitic when I am neither. Notice all of the Jews screeching and calling Kanye West antisemitic and racist but not a liar.
Typical dipshit response from a dipshit! Imagine that. Shouldn't you be sending money to Ukraine? Or have you decided to head over and join the fight?