I don't agree with all, but for the most part, not bad. What's your beef with marriage? Why do you favor all drugs being legal; even the so called 'dangerous' drugs, like meth? I would pot for sure and prescription meds, but it would take some convincing for me to legalize drugs that have the propensity to induce violence. Usually, I'm all for free choice as long as no one else gets hurt, but I'm not sure if that would apply for a broke tweaker entering a convenience store looking for a fix.
If I had no position, then what are you always arguing against, eh? :lol: Here's a position. Your preposterous elimination of copyrights would not permit creative people to make a living on their efforts. You just like to steal music and video from artists on the Internet and would like to think you were moral and legal instead of an electronic pirate. I would not be President. I smoked marijuana in college. I inhaled.
No way I could be president. I don't know the issues well enough. It's not an easy gig but I hear the chicks are all over you. edit: By the way, I like Martin, but his list seems a bit cookoo to me.
no beef with marriage, just think it should be managed like baptism, by churches. that would end the arguments and nonsense. when i say no marriage i mean no marriage managed by the government. you could of course marry anything or anyone in a church. i answered this is another thread, should be easy to find. i am arguing in favor of position-taking. i do like to steal. and i mean i really like it. i do it alot. you are right, i do like to feel moral about it. but i barely i have to try, i just cant make myself feel bad. perhaps i am amoral. i dont believe it hurts the artists. also i dont believe in the right to "own" ones and zeros. like every topic, red and i have already done it to death: http://www.tigerforums.com/free-speech-alley/55485-stealing-music-future-copyright.html
I guess Im use to being on the the internet with more intelgent people that can put things in to context. Ill have to dumb it down.
you will get no vote til your prostitution stance becomes known and/or changes. i mean its cool to sniff cocaine off a regular persons ass legally but its not quite the same.