General statements don't make for a plan. Again you never provided specifics so not sure why you keep beating the bush?
Young now old later. Some plans "make employers", I am pretty sure the option to not choose that plan exists. Great 615 pages of bureaucracy that most will vote on and not read either. Patriot Act anyone?
not really. as the young uninsured get older (ie, wiser, less healthy and with better jobs) they mostly move into the insured camp dont think so. all companies with over 25 employees (i think) will have to offer some coverage or get fined not very productive for you to rail on them for not being providing enough details then call it bureaucracy.
That's how plans begin, obviously. Obama learned something from Clinton's failure to pass health reform in 1993. Bill and Hillary came up with a plan and started pushing it without involving Congress, who shot it down. Obama has the plan, but he is involving Congress to get their ideas this time. This can't be done instantly, Congressmen on the far left and the far right will have to be heard and dealt with. He wants Congress to be invested in this plan with him. Compromises will be made. He stated in his health care address a couple of weeks ago that he expected to sign a bill before Christmas. So, watch and learn how a plan becomes a bill and show a little patience. It may end up very different from what you imagine.
Bitch and moan . . . Tell me, do you like what we have now, with your premiums doubling every 10 years?
Red's right, the current system is completely unsustainable. Hell, even health insurers agree with this.