Again your ignorance is bliss... Lott has made the statement at least 3 times... His ideology for the last 30 years has been segregationist, anti-minority and perpetuating the hatred this country has tried to abolish for 50 years.... This is not about one statement but about a lifetime of ignorance... If his state wants to elect him, more power to them.... As a leader of a national party, he is backward, ignorant and his past finally caught up with him.... Funny, the President (a repub), his staff (repubs) and his fellow republican senators dumped him.... But it's left wingers fault.... Again, no attempt at taking responsibility for one's actions, just blame for others... Typical right-neck...
Wait.... He didn't advocate "evil". He made an insensitive statement that you and other left-wingers are exploiting for political gain. or ........maybe there were a lot of Republicans that simply wanted Lott gone. He dug his own grave. Republicans just didn't help him out of it. Yup it's a left wing conspiracy and bad republicans but he still did nothing wrong..... You had to be captain of the debate team.......
The Murray "furor" will blow over because the people she pissed off are not ones who will grab onto the issue like a pit bull and scream until she's gone. All she has to do is ignore it and it'll go away. show support for Murray is not going to label one a racist.
Boys, the color is your sky is........ warped.... Rush-nazi, Hanni-boy, the network, and the 1000s of media whore that ignore 99% of Herr Rove's boy's work...? C'mon boys, lay off the sauce. You've got 80% of the media, the presidency, House and Senate and you still blame Lott's demise on liberals.... brainwashed sheep extraordinaire......
Re: Boys, the color is your sky is........ I blame Lott's demise on Lott. My point was that it's not what you say...It's whom you offend.