LETS GEAUX RPH! Say we don't travel to any and every road game (with the exception of home games in Tempe!) We are about to paint ATL purple and gold..... Purple and Gold Pony has a damn nice ring to it! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! LETS GEAUX 5pm! Jroy, yall be careful on the road!
KOC RPH making the roadie... atl tiger what up We had a few at the tempe game... the ones of us on the west coast make the rodies to BR... taking over the college football world... ATL TIGER winner in the koc rph college football pickem.....
This thread started dude is a member of the RPH and does spend a lot of money to support and see the tigers play where ever it may be. So I try to say as much money as I can for that. I just turned 23 and have been to every SEC stadium at least once and some a few times, as well as SECCG twice (bout to be 3), Peach Bowl, 2 Sugar Bowls and Virginia Tech. I'd say I'm not doing to shabby for being 23. So as you can see this thread starter dude is pinching pennies just to see our beloved tigers play. :geauxtige
Fine. We're glad you are in the stands for every away game. If you can come up with astronomical $ to travel to away games, you can find 19.95.
I think those who give more than the minimum fee should get to curse or use naked ladies in our sigs or avators :-D