Some of you people need to stop worrying what other people have in life and how they got it. Its theirs, not yours. Life isn't fair either, so just suck it up and move on. People who are REALLY determined in life DO make a good life for themselves.. Its like my sister and her husband. Both teachers who tried to live like they owned an oil company. Filed for bankruptcy 3 years into marriage. They bitch and moan about not having enough money, BUT BOTH DECIDED TO BECOME TEACHERS....... DEAL WITH IT!!!!
Again Red, who forced who to work for the church? Try harder because that post freaking sucked and you know it.
This is what you get when a religion of millions lets itself be run by an oligarch of aged celibates.
You have missed the point entirely. When I read a comment like this, I know that you're out of logic.
I have a hot sports opinion: The pill should not only be covered by insurance, it should be mandatory. The most irresponsible thing people can do is to have a baby, unless they are the most responsible kind of people. Not taking the pill does not mean people will engage is sex less, it means more babies that we all have to support, and more abortions. The Mandatory Pill would help with a lot of problems with significantly less cost.
I mean to say that the oligarch of aged celibates is not necessarily celibate or even hetero (in many cases) so their stance on these issues is a bunch of crap.
To me, under no circumstances should it be *free*. There is a difference between "free" and "covered". It should be treated as any other medication. If medically necessary, cover it. If used only to prevent pregnancy, consider it an elective treatment. As far as mandating that a religious organization should offer it goes, Ms. Fluke knew in what type of environment she would be when she enrolled at Georgetown and probably enrolled to bring this whole controversy about. There are other ways for Ms. Fluke to get her birth control as well as other law schools she could have attended. Sure, it may be more inconvenient for her to drive on down to Wal-Mart, but the central issue isn't about that, at least to me. It's about forcing a religious institution to conform to governmental rules, and that isn't the way things are supposed to work, whether you agree with the Church's view or not. I'm halfway waiting for Obama to start the Church of America if he can't get the Catholic church to bow to his whim.