It was a reply to martin's flippant post about concentration camps. not to anyone actually dyslexic in order to ridicule or make fun. you can get pissed if ya want though. Bump again, there seems to be a lot of information about these Fema Camps. A lot of people think Bush was going to do this and it wouldn't have surprised me if heor anyone did it. Bill Clinton was asked about it and side stepped the question and Oliver North mentioned it during Iran Contra! There are even locations all over the country, 800. I would hope that this was for the good of the people and not for any other purpose but call me paranoid and I hope that we can laugh about this one day when I'm old. Nazi Germany and Waco tells that this kind of stuff could happen again and history does seem to repeat itself. Has anyone ever seen any of these sites, are they accurate? Maybe it has something to do with the progressive new world order? Honestly I no longer trust the government or either party, I don't trust them to do the right thing because they constantly do the wrong things! I want to think that this is all phony bologna and fantasy! They sure are keeping this stuff secret for some reason and that what scares me! If some who know knowledge or have seen these camps can say its false, thats what I'm hoping for! Before you guys have a field day lets not forget that those who have supported Ron Paul and Bob Barr have been labeled potential terrorists. They try and explain towards the end of the article but I don't really buy their argument. It's like the argument that we don't really profile people but when we do! I do think our freedoms are being eroded over time, slowly but surely and no I don't blame it on one party either!
Have you seen the youtube videos? Granted, some of the videos are just silly, but some are investigative and bring up some interesting questions. Back in the 90's, we would go down to Wilmington, NC and take over the city for a week. It was always built up as training for something big overseas, but I never took it that way. As far as I'm concerned, we were practicing to declare martial law in an American city. The drills were extensive, involving thousands and thousands of Marines and soldiers. Personally, I do not trust the government. I didn't trust them under Bush, and I sure as hell do not trust them under Osama...I mean Obama.
The thing is I would rather know and be suspect of this kind of stuff than be ignorant but with some responses here it makes you feel like a nut