Better have a pistol and not need it, then to need one and not have it. Although I'm pretty sure your shotguns provide are pretty effective at providing self defense.
Yep, but the only drawback is that if you need it quickly, it would be kind of awkward to fire from the bed; where as a pistol, on the other hand, you can keep on a nightstand or somewhere else close that affords quick access, if needed. Regardless, here's to praying that we're never put in any kind of position where there's a potential for deadly force to be used.
After she was widowed, my aged grandmother kept her 16-gauge shotgun right under her bed where all she had to do was reach down for it. She could shoot it, too. She hunted quail and turkey when she was younger. But I saw her several times in the night walking down the hall in her nightgown and pink slippers with her shotgun, investigating some noise or another. The grandkids knew to knock on Grandma's door . . .
Probably the most effective, all things considered. Get one that holds 8 shots though. Oh and put all buck shot- hard to miss with shot. I know why you said slug but don't worry, he won't be able to testify with a few double oughts pumped in him. I wouldn't want one but Taurus makes a "Judge." It is ha revolver that doubles as a 410 gauge and they do make buckshot for 410's.
For you probably, but for a female (or someone not real handy with a pistol) they'd probably be better off with the buckshot. I bet they have a lot of recoil.
Usually all it takes to scare the shit out of an intruder is to announce yourself and then rack a shell... the "racking" sound will make most shit their pants where they stand.
I have a Judge and it is fantastic for what it was designed to do. It is a great in vehicle defense weapon where tight spaces and potentially very quick shooting while trying to egress. The PDX ammo is great with three discs and bbs behind it. I put in three followed by two .45 Long Colt defense rounds in case I get the chance to take my time. My Glock .40 is my CC choice for walking around. The Judge doesn't jump too badly, but it is like any short barreled revolver. I had the same original opinion as above until I spoke to a couple of guys that had them.