I agree about the Rockerfeller quotes, but disagree with most of what Flynt said. I can certainly be argued that gutting the Glass-Steagal Act was not a good idea but the chief culprit may be lack of oversight rather than deregulation per se. As far as Wall Street, the corporations and the "Super Rich" the government, that is a ridiculous oversimplification of how the government operates. Do they have influence? Absolutely. But if they ran the government they would have never allowed Obama to be elected. The American Government is and always has been pluristic. Virtually every interest in this country is represented by some powerful lobby: the environmentalists, the sportsmen, the liberals, the conservatives, banking, insurance, health care, pro-regulatory forces, and the list goes on. As a result, no single lobby group has the kind of power Flynt suggests. National policy is determined not by mega-corporations or "fat cats," but by legislators acting out of their own personal philosophy, what they feel is best for the nation and what will pass muster with their constituents back home.