Oh so you remember all the info I put up last year on the BCS? I was posting sh!t at all hours of the morning, coming up with scenario after scenario. And then them damn people with the straight jacket came by and took me away. I see that you joined in late October, which means if you were around on these boards you could not have missed it. Funny thing is I never remembered you until after the Sugar Bowl and maybe even after National Signing Day. You musta been laying low in the grass (pardon the pun).
I officially past the BCS torch over to DarkHornet. He has all my blessings on a job well done thus far.
Actually that was one of the things I kiked about the site last year But I will be following Dark Hornets numbers this year great job guys :thumb:
Yeah, mine are off from Tellshow's because, if you notice, he miscalculates the Coaches poll. I don't know what he's dividing by, but it's off. He also does this weird thing of giving negative computer results. That can throw things off as well. I think he does it so that everyone has a ranking, but it changes the results for people.
Yeah Rich makes a mistake now an again. I remember last year he had made a huge mistake about SOS and the LSU rematch against GA. He was counting GA as 10-2 record when it fact it should have been 10-1, since the LSU loss GA suffered earlier in the year was not supposed to count against LSU's SOS. And since we were playing them for the 2nd time, it was supposed to be 20-2, and he it as 20-4. That was a big deal, it pushed us up a few notches in the SOS standings, and that's when I really got excited about our chances to beat USC for #2 in the BCS.