I believe they announce the Top 8 seeds and super regional pairing (regional A winner versus regional B winner) at the same time they announce the regional pairings. This is how they have done in it the past. Did it change this year?
Friday, I am not calling you a moron. That being said, I have observed some posters who constantly refer to our poll ranking as some type of justification. My point is that they are mostly irrelevant. What matters is our RPI, and why some people get overly happy or angry about our ranking is beyond me. I mean don't we all remember the anger and resentment over the football polls??? Unfortunately, FB poll do have a major bearing on the BCS. Baseball I don't think has as much effect.
I've always thought the super regional is hosted by one of the teams still playing, we played at Tulane vs Tulane, at Rice vs Rice and at LSU; so if that's the case how would they know who's playing? See what I mean?
Those sites were announced before those teams won their regionals, though. Had Rice lost 2 years ago or LSU last year, the site would have been changed. We will know before we play our regional whether or not we will get a Super, if we win.
they don't announce the super regional sites. they announce the 16 regional sites and top 8 seeds. Hanagrif (sp?) talked about it on the radio during one of the games this weekend. it is "implied" that the top 8 seeds will host the super regional round should they survive. no top 8 has advanced to the super and not hosted. if the top 8 loses in the regional, I don't know how they determine which team gets to host the super......i guess just some objective non-biased analysis by the NCAA :lol: :rofl: :thumb: back to the point of the thread. the baseball polls are a mystery. in football and basketball by this time in the season all the polls released typically mirror each other with maybe a few minor differences. however, in baseball the polls never are close.
They don't announce the Super Regional site because they don't know which teams will be playing, but they list the Top 8 seeds and pair up the regionals. Last year we knew that if we won our regional we would be playing the winner of the Southern Miss regional, which was Baylor. If a Top 8 seed wins their regional AND submits a bid to host, then they will host the SR. This is the bracket for last year that came out the day of the 64 team field was announced. It's in PDF format... http://www.lsusports.net/bb/pdf/03ncaabracket.pdf
TigerWins thanks for that link and info, it shows the super regional hosts will be announced on June 2 while the the rest were announced on earlier so I was correct I guess. Hopefully we will be a top 8 seed and win our regional and not have to worry about any of this though.