what the writers could have done Am I wrong or do the human polls count somewhat in the BCS calculation? If I'm right, then the coaches and the writers should have (a) done their homework (I don't agree that they get a free pass piggybacking on Brad Edwards' work when here in this forum we ALL knew there was a real possibility) and (b) if they wanted to make sure USC got in voted Oklahoma LOW. That way it would have been LSU and USC. Or, if they were really assholes they could have dissed both LSU and Oklahoma, moving Michigan up. The human polls can be manipulated freely, which is WHY THERE IS A COMPUTER RATING COMPONENT. The humans said they didn't want to be responsible for making the final decision. So now their decision (really, their bias) is being modified slightly by the objective criteria set out in the beginning of the season and fed into the computers. If we'd been left out, we would have been good sports and gone to the Rose Bowl (after all, we never expected to get this far) and beaten the crap out of Michigan. Mark my words, USC will lose. They're riding too high right now. Their players are talking too big, as is the coach. Pride goeth before a fall....