Is it any real surprise that the Repubs have lost so many seats? And thinking JM is the way to get those back? Ugh.
I'm inclined to disagree, I may be wrong I just haven't seen evidence to show me otherwise yet. Even if they are more middle dems, that doesn't mean they won't feel preasure to vote along party lines to keep their spot 2 years from now. However, the American people are speaking and I think that gives me the most hope for change, whether it's farther left or right, or to the center. Whaterver is going on now and whoever is responsible, something does have to change. As long as people are willing to get up and voice their displeasure or satisfaction with the status quo, than I really don't think things can go too bad for too long.
But the party can't elect them. They will have to perform while catering to a constituency with many conservatives.
True, and I think that's what I was trying to get at in my second half of the post. I think if the American People are truly ready to get off their butts and voice their approval or displeasure, then their where will be less political banter and more of actually being a "representative" of the people who elected you. Doing what the people want and not what's best for themself.
I'm looking at it this way: Powell was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Desert Storm. To me, endorsing Obama for President (at this point in his career) is the equivalent of Powell appointing a bright, up-and-coming 2nd Lieutenant to have been in charge of that campaign.
Couple of thoughts. 1. Race clearly has a dog in this fight. 2. Just a guess, but McCain has been dogging the DoD for years. That would include years when Powell was trying to get programs through. Perhaps some bad blood there? Don't know for sure, but I'm willing to bet on it. 3. Did I mention race?
I didn't say his decision was racist, but if you are trying to deny that race did not enter into the equation, you are ignoring reality. Powell had a tough decision to make and the scales were almost perfectly balanced. He tipped over in Obama's direction because of a combination of all factors but the fact that he is a black man entered into it. It's not racist to say that any more than it would be to call Powell a back-stabbing SOB for not endorsing a man who has been his friend for 25 years. Typically, though, you cherry-pick the race thing and throw the spotlight on it: "AH HA! I KNEW IT! IT'S RACISM!!":dis:
Maybe you feel guilty about something, because I was not referring to your post. I knew you would feel that way, to say its based on his race. Thats the only defense you have and maybe that scares you. I dont know and dont care. My post was reacting to Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan, saying Powell is racist. To say why would you send a guy 2,300 dollars and be racist. Why cant they just take his word at face value. Typically, you try to cast me as something I am not, a tried and true defense mechanism of yours. Get a new act already. It seems to me that you are always saying, "Im voting for the white guy" trying to pass it off as a bullshyt joke. So, "AH HA"