Florida and Arkansas seem a little high, both lost too many key players. Auburn and Gerogia seem a little low. probably the schedule in Auburn's case, probably the green QB for Georgia.
Any video that takes 6 minutes to get good cannot be considered motivational. maburu usually has pretty good videos but this one missed. The end was good, but I was half asleep.
Not as easy as Oklahoma's, IMO. Texas has TCU (not going to be a cakewalk), Oklahoma and A&M at College Station. Just saying that it's not as easy a sched. as their 8th-ranked neighbors to the north.
They should be. I mean they kick the sh!t out of Oklahoma's a$$ and then what happens? Oklahoma is in the top 10 and Boise St. is somewhere in the 20s.
They won by a point. I agree with what your saying but they didn't kick the sh!t out of Oklahoma's a$$.