Coach Miles comments on RP..

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by "Hurricane", May 24, 2007.

  1. HectorSpectre

    HectorSpectre Founding Member

    I heard it may be a "6-week" suspension. Anyone else hear that?
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    I doubt that it will be lifted before August practice. He might even sit a game or two.
  3. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    From the Penthouse to Miles' Doghouse. I hope Ryan gets his head screwed on straight. But were any of you guilty of doing something stupid circa your late teens earl twenties years ?
  4. friedriches

    friedriches mr. t

    Currently in the middle of doing said stupidity. It's called growing up, which is why this is somewhat silly.

    It's not like he committed a serious crime. I'm the first person to fault someone for doing wrong, and the blame for this whole incident rests soley on RP's shoulders, but in no way does this constitute grounds for removal from the team. It's not like he stole someone's purse or broke into someone's apartment. He tried to use his blood relative's ID to get into a casino. It's not like he was using a fake.

    A few months off the depth chart spending time in the gym will only make him more focused- if he uses this time properly.
  5. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    He was going to sit these two games anyway. Too harsh of a punishment IMO.
  6. pensacola

    pensacola Founding Member

    I heard Miles talk- relaxed, confident with the crowd and aggressive towards this season-- thought he was going to let out a "Let 'er Rip" for a while. He hung out and talked with the crowd after. He seemed very disgusted with RP. I think RP probably promised CLM that he would be on best behavior after the earlier incident, and CLM trusted his word. From his tone, no possible way does RP get kicked off the team for this alone-- he would have to screw up again. I predict a one game suspension, with Lee getting significant reps in early practice behind Flynn. Would have been nice to see RP with some cleanup time vs. MooU, but it won't happen.
  7. 100%TigerBred

    100%TigerBred Founding Member

    I dont see RP missing any games. I mean are you really going to count on a true freshman in the SEC if Flynn was to go down. He might miss the first week of Fall practice but that is going to be it. CLM has too much riding on this season now that Satan is back in the SEC. Plus, this is really his first true incident that he is accused of anything. Remember he was just questioned with the whole money situation and was never a suspect. So, this is the first wrong he has done that has become public at least. So, i believe the punishment will fit the crime and I dont see any games being missed just some practice time.:thumb: :geauxtige :eek:ldskule:
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  8. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

    Nah...The way it's looking, if he doesn't straighten up, it wont matter at all.

    Isn't that practically the same thing? :confused:
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Basically yeah but in light of his recent interview for counterfeit $$, even though he was cleared, a "Fake" id that he'd altered, created, etc would re-ignite those thoughts so using his brother's is at least once-removed.

    I'd like to know how many times we've used others' ids as a kid in HS to get in the Purple Peacock or the Swamp Room in Eunice. :hihi:
  10. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

    I used a buddy's ACT card to get into the student section at the football games a couple years ago. :thumb:

    Never created a fake though...I'm too young looking as it is. They examine the hell out of my ID for anything! :hihi:

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