Closing out Games Emphasis of Fall Practice

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Attack Tiger, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Then you didn't watch or suffer the pain that he caused us the way I did. As one of the other posters pointed out, you obviously didn't see the attitude that this punk had. I swear what did it for me is when he threw that ball into Spencer Ware's back and then looked at him like he was a damn fool for not catching it. I have NEVER wanted to jump through a tv screen so bad in my life. Then he gets a microphone in front of him and has the fucking nerve to say "I played a good game" DA FUCK!!!! Well if you played such a good game 9 then I guess it is the rest of the teams fault, way to throw them under the bus.

    No Stacey, make no mistake, I don't like your man crush Leslie Edwin, I think he has many a screw loose and the water on his brain causes him to do some dumb ass shit but I cannot stand 9. I hate him, I despise him and yes, he should have been a blow job or a stain on the rug or something.

    I really really hate this dumb sonofabitch

    I even just tore the 9 off of my computer because I can't stand to look at it
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    @Winston1 I'm not talking about the completion in the Nov 9 game. I am pretty sure I'm talking about a game the previous year, it was a day game and I am almost certain it was the game where they caught miles chewing a handful of turf.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Thanks for the clarification Shane. That sort of re enforces my point. How can you count one play the year before as having much weight against Lee's performance Nov 9? One play doesn't a trend make.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Doesnt it? Game on the line, you absolutely MUST have this 1st down, against the toughest d they will face. Pressure cooker and you mean to tell me the fescue chomping coach goes to the guy who cant play? Was that a plan to sabotage lee? No I think he knew he had to have that play so he went to the only guy that could deliver it.

    Lee should have played but les is too damn hard headed
  5. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    So you ignore every thing else for one play? There is no arguing with that logic.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Its not ignoring everything else blockhead. Lee started the next season because 9 thought he was in WWE or MMA or something along those lines and did quite nicely for us. As I remember it he didn't lose a single game, so who is ignoring anything?

    Look I'm not saying the kid was Marino or Montana but he wasn't near as bad as what you make him out to be. He should have played in the NCG. Not saying he would have turned anything around but God damnit he deserved a shot because your boy george sure as hell wasn't getting it done
    GregLSU likes this.
  7. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    That's pretty much the definition of sucking. When your offense can't do the things it needs to do, it's because it sucks.

    If that was the case then LSU would be consistently be at the top in scoring offense which they aren't.

    I think you're right in thinking the defense is responsible for the better scoring offense stats which would explain the better scoring stats vs total offense stats.

    I think having an offense that can control the LOS and can give the defense time to rest AND can score at will is obviously the best option. A team like Oregon or WVU that ONLY runs an up-tempo offense can be a detriment to the defense if they can't control the clock and can't give their defense a rest when needed. If they lose some turnovers and/or fail to score on some possessions then their defense becomes tired and the other team starts to eat up the clock and their offense can't get back on the field.

    That's nonsense. Where is it written that a team can't have a prolific offense AND defense? A football team is essentially two teams that work in synergy with each other. Just because LSU has historically been a stronger defensive program doesn't mean it can't be a great offensive team too. But it takes a coach that understands he has to have great offensive coaches to make it happen and stay out of the way. Hopefully we've taken that step.

    Even if this statement was correct, which it isn't, it still wouldn't apply to this discussion because as the statistics show, LSU only ranks approx 40th in all of college football in scoring.

    WINNING is all that counts and you win by scoring points and preventing the other team from scoring. The offense must be able to gain yards and control the clock not only to allow their defense to rest but to keep the ball away from their opponent. Controlling the clock and keeping the ball out of the opponents hands is as much of the offense's job as scoring.

    That's my point. An offense that can't convert a 1st down when needed or score when needed is the definition of "sucks". That's like saying "the only thing we have to complain about is that our defense can't keep the other team from scoring"
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2013
  8. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    You seem to be ignoring what I said as well as the past Sport. I said Lee still deserved to start after Nov 9 and didn't say he was bad, but only pointed out he had a problem after he was hit hard. He seemed to panic and rush things causing interceptions etc. He showed this time and again and not just against Alabama. This was a fatal flaw against Alabama as he proved Nov 9. That speaks against playing him in Jan.

    Try to read back over the posts and comprehend Sporty. Jefferson wasn't "my boy George" but I despise the hate thrown at him and using Lee's mistreatment if any as an excuse for the venom.
    Fact is for whatever reason LSU sucked that night in January. The D held on but we were smashed on the O line and neither Montana nor Marino or Billy Cannon or Jim Brown or Barry Sanders could have had any success that night. Special teams weren't special as they had been in the 12 games previously. To put the loss solely on Jefferson is unfair and unjustified. It was a team loss and yes Jefferson was a big part but no bigger than the 5 OL men who were manhandled.
    Maybe you and the other Jefferson haters ought to look into your hearts and ask what drives your hate. Then act as the Christians you claim to be and put it aside.
    Contained Chaos likes this.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Brain fart, I was thinking back to Arkansas 2010. Hey, they both wear crimson . . .

    Evidence? Ace, that is just your assessment, it ain't evidence of a damn thing. My assessment is very different than yours.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    @Winston1 My school bus driver used to call me sport. How clever.

    I hate him because of his attitude and said so a few post up. None of this shit was ever his fault and "he" always played great. The QB is supposed to be a leader. This jackass couldn't lead a pack of hungry wolves to a dead moose.

    I really don't care if you approve or share my hatred of him. He was never anything special here and at a very minimum wish he had never played for LSU.

    You find a post where I have ever claimed to be some holy rolling christian and I'll kiss your ass

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