true. water vapor is a far more relevant greenhouse gas than carbon, maybe we should regulate steam trains. how could they not have an impact?
i know there are some posts on TF about global warming being real but not caused by man but it seems that the huge bulk of posts are about red saying there is a hockey stick and everyone else saying there isnt. is this brewhaha about british climatologist emails about global warming or man's contribution to it? if everyone agrees there is warming i request that no more rednecks refer to "snow" south of the mason dixon as contrary evidence. what? china is widely known to be the #1 polluter and criticized about it. i dont think providing a better life for your family is an excuse to cut down old growth forests or to put little effort into making machines more efficient.
that is a good sentence, it has everything; interesting words, alliteration. red cut and paste it, but thats ok, it gets a thumbs up from me anyways.
All of them as they happen cause warming. I don't think the environment can tell the difference between natural carbon and non-natural carbon. Minimal impact, about 4 years ago we had this discussion and I pulled up a government website that stated the earth has warmed 1 Degree since the 1900's. I really don't except the premise made by the man made crowd that the earth will end unless we go back to the stone age. Some of them are for population control, etc. I also don't except the premise that consensus is science. Science use to be based on fact, you had to prove it without a doubt. Matter of fact the man made crowd now say you have to disprove their consensus. This is just the opposite of what science has always been about. These people don't practice what they preach either. If they believed in this garbage they would live quite differently. I will say that we have a much better chance of being struck by an asteroid versus global warming and yet no one seems to care.
Fixed it for you. More self-delusion. How does politics make the ice caps melt, professor? I absolutely agree that this is your worldview. But "believe nothing" quickly leads to "understand nothing". I have a very different worldview, amigo.
Sometimes people have to read real definitions because they redefine things to suit themselves.. You are among the worst at this.
No it can't but we do know that there are not huge volcanic emissions currently happening nor has there been a major meteor impact. There has been a huge human-produced carbon spike that never existed before. And I explained just how significant this is. 1 degree is the total amount of climatic change we have experienced in all of modern human history. Stop thinking about climate chaange in terms of everyday weather. It makes you sound like SabanFan. What the hell are you talking about? Who has said this? Be specific. I think you made it up. My friend, you just don't know what you are talking about.