1. I don't have to do this. I asked you WHO has published the 100-year projections based on a few years data that you claim. You still haven't cited a single one.

    You can't possibly be this naive. A four-day temperature change at one locale is an insignificant weather change. A 2-degree global climate change over decades is very significant. It should be noted that overall climate change in the last 2000 years has not exceeded 1 degree.

    Here is the graph. Where are these higher rates of change?

    You are misinformed. Only the US and Canada have experienced any cooling. Globally the current decade is the hottest on record. Here is an article from yesterday.

    What I said was that weather is proven to distribute weather around the globe. You are maintaining that it also distributes heat to space enough to counteract any effects of global warming. None of what you state above goes toward proving that. If someone had proven this, I 'd like to see it.

    Exactly. It's textbook thermo, not a response to the issue at hand. I don't care what you imagine. I want to know what scientist has demonstrated that weather transfers heat into space enough to counteract global warming.

    What I said was that sunlight does not contribute ALL of the heat in the atmosphere as you had suggested. Most comes from the very warm earth itself.

    Atmospheric Heat Gains

    Short-wave radiation from the sun...............11.9%
    Heat to atmosphere from condensation............14.4%
    Heat to atmosphere from convection/conduction... 4.4%
    Long-wave radiation from earth..................69.4%

    How convenient for you. :hihi:

    No one has experienced this. We have not had a 2 degree global temperature rise in the 2000 years that we know about. You continue to confuse daily weather temperaure and global average climate temperatures.

    You have a knack for missing the point. What you said was "We observe that weather has the capacity to remove more heat from the earth's surface than global warming has to add to it." I believe this is not true and you have still refused to state where it came from and who has proven this. I challenge you to document this statement.

    No it doesn't. Of course temperatures vary from pole to equator, that's the very reason that we must use global average temperature to determine climate trends. :grin:

    It doesn't, obviously, and it is a foolish notion that I never stated, for sure. We see ice melting at the poles and in the alpine regions because that is where the ice is. :insane:

    I'll repeat my original question once again. Either answer it or not. If the earth is not warming, WHY are the icepacks and glaciers retreating?

    The answers are global warming and global cooling. If the ice is retreating we are experiencing global warming. If it is advancing then we are experiencing global cooling. Is it not obvious? What is your point?

    This does not make sense. You confuse weather and climate once again. Averaging is essential to trend analysis.

    Averaging is the procedure of replacing a vector field by its average (over time or an angular variable) with the goal to obtain asymptotic approximations to the original system and to obtain periodic solutions.

  2. I've NEVER said that I didn't believe that the planet hasn't warmed.
    The planet was once covered by ice for god sake.
    I've called the man made theory a hoax and a few other words because I'm smart enough to understand that the planet is warmed by natural events such as volcanoes, earthquakes and forest fires.
    There are warming and cooling trends also.

    That is just the beginning of my arguments about this topic.
  3. Yes this is true, and they are sometimes caused by excessive volcanism periods or after major meteor impacts caused worldwide forest fires. Which of these global catastrophes is causing the current warming?

    For 150 years humans have been pumping huge amounts of non-natural carbon into the atmosphere. How can this increase not have had an impact?
  4. It's a minimal, insignificant impact, not the armageddon impact all of you screaming crazies would have us believe.

    The planet will warm and cool and warm and cool, ad infinitum. Stupid liberals have to find a cause or they will feel insignificant. Leave us reasonable men out of your delusions, please.
  5. Global Warming is only caused by American's. Those capitalist pigs! How dare you be productive, and provide a better life for your family. Because of your hard work and self sacrifice, you are destroying the planet.

    Isn't it ironic that at the Copenhagen Climate Summit, all the Private Planes and Limousine's that are "required". Except for world leaders, shouldn't the other people fly commercial and ride the bus? Would that not be the "Green" thing to do? :huh:

    Those who are "too smart to fail" and speak of "inconvenient truths" are exempt form any blame.

    It's amazing how the Bullchit only applies to us and never them.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again "FOLLOW THE MONEY". This Man Made Global Warming farce is nothing more than a scam.
    1 person likes this.
  6. very few people deny that the earth is warming. what is at debate is whether man causes it or if it is cyclical.

  7. According to who? Based on what? And the evidence for this is . . . :insane:

    As usual trying to argue science with politics . . . :dis:
  8. It's based upon the law of common sense combined with a lack of gullibility.

    The scam is 90% politics and 10% science.

    Believe nothing that you read and half of what you see.