1. Met Office to re-examine 160 years of climate data - Times Online

    but wait what is this that the british government is doing?

    Also Mt. Kilimanjaro not losing ice due to man?

  2. I've always believed the "man-made" aspect of Global Warming was overstated for political and financial gain. Considering the credibililty (or lack thereof) of people (Al Gore whack jobs) leading the effort, I've always wondered how much is based on science and how much is just spin.

    With the latest revelation, I believe (at a minimum) proposals like Cap & Trade should be shelved for the next few years...or longer.

    We have much greater needs in this country and need better (less politicized) data and also better plans (Cap & Trade is idiotic) before proceeding.

    Obama...cancel Denmark and let's try to find a way to create jobs without more debt and broken promises. :thumb:
  3. I drove a rental car from Houston to Lafayette yesterday because the Houston Airport was snowed in. I don't want to hear any more "Warming" bullsh!t.
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Weather and climate are two very different things. Why are the icecaps retreating and the glacier disappearing? Because a 20-degree swing in weather is insignificant. A 2 degree swing in climate is very significant.

  5. how significant? how do you know we will not be better off 2 degrees warmer? is the current temp the absolute optimal for human existence?

  6. If icecaps didn't retreat we'd all live in igloos. It's ice. It melts.
  7. The earth's climate was warmer before industrialization than now. Man's activities are not the only variable involved.

    That is my final answer.
  8. BS. That's part of the fundamental flaw (fraud?) of climate modeling. It doesn't include "weather". As if weather has no influence on temperature, or heat transfer in the atmosphere... when in fact it is the primary method of heat rejection from the surface to outer space, and balancing heat from the lower latitudes to the higher/lower lattitudes. To say cloud obscuration of the sun, heat released by condensation of precipation (rain,snow), heat absorbed in evaporation, can simply be ignored is folly. Those mechanisms transfer far more heat than CO2 adds. Any model that predicts temperature but negelects these vital components to energy balance has no fidelity to reality.
  9. I have posted the effects of 2 and 4 degree climate change in other threads.

    Why two degrees really matters Climate Progress

    Perhaps any point between the last ice age and the last climate caused mass extinction is as good as any other. Ecosystems evolve to adapt given enough time.

    It doesn't matter. The critical issue is not what the temperature is, or may be, or will be. The critical issue is how fast it is moving.

    Rapid change is the real danger. Human habits and infrastructure are suited to particular weather patterns and sea levels, as are ecosystems and animal behaviors. The rate at which global temperature is rising today is likely unique in the history of humans.