I'll agree with that. If the Republicans & Independents don't come out in full force in 2024 we are probably in deeper shit.
We have too many like Bitch McConnell, Eye Patch McCain, McCartney and at least 20 other that go both ways.
Russia makes massive oil discovery in the Arctic https://www.rt.com/business/558090-russia-massive-oil-discovery-arctic/ What Russia won’t do: Remove the ability for oil companies to drill in the area of the new find. Strangle oil companies with new regulations. What Russia will do: Sell to the US and Europe. Profit.
Aussie ‘Ambassador for Women’ claims ‘climate change’ causes rape! ‘Exacerbates the risks of sexual & gender-based violence’ https://www.climatedepot.com/2022/0...es-the-risks-of-sexual-gender-based-violence/
Russia and China ramps up oil and gas exploration while we destroy our oil and gas industry and draw down our strategic reserves. Can you think of a more stupid and dangerous situation should we have to go to war?
these green policies are really destroying so many things. the economy, even the global political power structure. putting power into the hands of those who still are willing to use cheap fossil fuel energy. even if all this bullshit helped the environment it wouldnt be worth it. if we were a net exporter of oil it would hurt russia and make them far less likely to go to war. we should have a tanker arriving twice a day to latvia and finland with LNG from lake charles. europe could stay warm and drive russia bankrupt. the contradictory position of the left, who wants cheap energy and expensive energy at the same time, we have to get over this. we should nominate desantis over trump becasue he is more electable. we have to have sensible leadership. this oil policy is destructive in so many ways. we need fucking sarah palin. we need to "drill baby, drill" it would make damn near everything on earth better.
Yo Rex, even NASA knows man caused climate change is a steaming pile NASA admits climate change occurs because of changes in Earth's solar orbit, not because of SUVs and fossil fuels -- Earth Changes -- Sott.net https://www.sott.net/article/420049...ar-orbit-not-because-of-SUVs-and-fossil-fuels