one of the many awful things about the green movement is that it directly enriches evil countries like russia and china. because when we ban drilling our own oil we end we just buying it from our enemies. and this literally results in war and destruction and death.
Good point. Rex talks about balance. X oil is needed globally. Therefore X will be drilled for. We can drill X1 here safer, cheaper, and more ethically, which in turn reduces X2, aka dirty. Rex advocates more X2.
we have more oil in the ground than any country! we could be so rich! and a rich US is great for the world. so much better than rich saudi arabia
Not doing X and allowing X2 is also very dangerous. Russia and China will pretend to care about climate change but will drill drill drill. If war breaks out we will be dangerously low on reserves. We will be at the mercy of our enemies, X2 wins.
We not only do we have oil but we are the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. Instead we tie up millions of acres growing corn for ethanol which should be used to feed people. We also tie up millions of acres for low output wind farms. Under these millions of acres is cheap high BTU natural gas.
Too bad Charlie is not around to lead these DEMOCRAT enviro terrorists libtards, I think natural climate change denier Rex should step up. Goes hand in hand with these enviro terrorirpst DEMOCRATS And these enviro terrorist DEMOCRATS keeping blacks in Africa poor, sick and dying.
Possible rolling power blackouts for a state rich in oil and gas. Biden blackout headed our way.
a bank exec with HSBC gave a speech where he said climate change is not a concern of his at all and he was suspended. there is a chilling effect on the dialogue when opposition viewpoints are squelched. it makes it harder to determind the truth. looks like we need the govt ministry of truth to sort another important issue out. i am sure that off broadway actress cunt is better and sorting out things than i am.
Get ready to drink piss to save the earth. This is Biden and the DEMOCRATS ladies and gentlemen. Better recognize this phony fraud of man made global warming now sneakily changed to climate change is a major tool for the left to tax and subjugate us.
They are insane