If man can change the climate, why dont we just keep Earth a nice 75F? I mean, that would be pretty sweet. Why dont we just do that?
You said CO2 does heat up the Earth, and that destroying the Amazon and Boral forests would cause more CO2. Since mankind can destroy the Amazon and Boral forests then mankind can cause more CO2 and more warming. You have implicitly contradicted your own statement that "mankind can not change climate". Now you're too dishonest to admit you've contradicted yourself. "Mankind can not change the Earth's climate" is nothing more than a bullshit slogan, one which you like to spout for propaganda reasons but one by your own answers you actually disagree with. You are dishonest. This series of questions was not meant to prove or disprove climate change. This series of questions was not issued to blame or absolve CO2 for climate change. All that can be researched and demonstrated elsewhere, just as it has. This series of questions was intended only to highlight how dishonest you are in addressing the matter of climate change. QED. Boom. Case proven.
It’s not though. Man made CO2 is less than 1%. In fact man made CO2 is 0.0016% of total CO2 production. He is right. Man made CO2 does not change the climate.
BUST you are a climate denier. I and others who you call deniers are not it is you and your disgusting DEMOCRATS who are the true deniers. You are lying about everything I said. You haven't even tried to answer a question of mine not only now but ever. You are the dishonest one. You wanted a debate then changed it to you ask all the questions and lie about what I answered. I thought there might be a 10% chance you would be honest, I overshot by 10%. You are unscientific, lack common sense, dishonest, have no morals and a disgrace to America and manhood as I have told you before. You are not worth anymore of my time. I tried I really tried. Will never talk climate with you ever you are dishonest and a denier.
There is a finite amount of water on earth. I laugh everytime someone says we need to save water. We don't need to save water it's not going anywhere. It's simple evaporates and is recycled. Of course gullible people will buy into this. If every human and animal all peed in the ocean at one time it would not change anything. But why would we want to do that maybe gays and the LGBQTXYZ community might enjoy that.
I know I know the end of my post was a joke if you notice. Just saw an opportunity to get some science posted.