Hope there would be more because more CO2 means a greener planet with robust crops to feed the world. CO2 IS PLANT FOOD. Less CO2 would be bad for your precious forest. For instance during the Medieval Warm period England was competing with France with wines because of the robust growth. Besides CO2 rises before temp rises. It's natural.
OK more CO2 and oxygen. Once again more CO2 is not bad it's good. Your problem is you have been duped into thinking CO2 is a pollutant and bad. So my question is are current levels of CO2 in the atmosphere high or low?
Is CO2 a "greenhouse gas"? In other words, do CO2 molecules in the atmosphere reflect infrared radiation coming from the Earth back toward the Earth?
Yes CO2 does reflect infrared radiation but that's been going on for millions of years. It's normal natural. There has been as much as 4000 ppm more CO2 in the atmosphere in the past whereas now there is only 443 ppm today. Guess what we are low on CO2. Sure if you look at the miniscule sliver of time you look at it appears that CO2 is at a record high. Record high since when? 50,100, 500, 1000, 100,000, I million or 1 billion years ago? You have 2 very wrong assumptions. First you think less CO2 is good and 2 your time reference is miniscule very very miniscule extremely miniscule.
OK, so let's pause for a quick review of what you've acknowledged so far: - Mankind can not change the world's climate - CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and molecules of CO2 reflect heat emanating from the Earth back to the Earth - There would be more CO2 in the atmosphere without the Amazon and Boreal forests. So, let's proceed: By stating that "CO2 rises before temp rises. It's natural" and by acknowledging that CO2 molecules reflect heat back to the Earth, you agree that more CO2 in the atmosphere would reflect more heat and that global surface temperatures would rise on average. Correct?
Question; CO2 levels were at 2500 ppm during the Triassic and Jurassic period. Dinosaurs thrived because of the abundant and lush vegetation and warn climate. Why didn't the much much high levels of CO2 than today not kill off the dinosaurs and plant life?
Stick to the questions. By stating that "CO2 rises before temp rises. It's natural" and by acknowledging that CO2 molecules reflect heat back to the Earth, you agree that more CO2 in the atmosphere would reflect more heat and that global surface temperatures would rise on average. Correct?
Yes and guess what temperature have been rising and falling since the beginning of time. It's been much warmer and much colder in the recent and distant past. Do you agree temp rises before CO2? You don't get to ask all the questions pal. A debate has 2 sides and I just answered your question. Answer my question in my last post.