Get ready they are coming for you stuff. Better pay attention to the green movement it's more dangerous than you think.
Starts in kindergarten then elementary on to high school and excelarated big time in college then reinforced by Hollywood and the MSM. They are watermelons green on the outside red on the inside.
First we get a disinformation tribunal now here we go with an Environmental Justice tribunal.
There is no doubt that there is an element of socialist anti western activity it the environmental movement. Some are using it to increase governmental power at the expense of civil liberties.
Notice how they add race to the climate agenda with the American left it's always about race. This grand fraud proves to me how ignorant the masses have become and how the left has skillfully used this issue to turn the children into little socialist, Greta Thurnberg a prime example.
Who needs comedians when we have lunatic marxist DEMOCRATS. Can't make this shit up. Now earths natural climate change will force women into prostitution.
Something else the left always gets wrong. They always lean to the "demand" and to hell with the supply.
Yesterday was May 13th. On May 13 1934 this climate disaster was predicted. Going to post every wrong prediction coinciding with the current date just to show the how long this fraud has been going on. They are always wrong.