Let me get this straight. To save the planet the DEMOCRATS and Pedo Joe want to shut down drilling for oil and gas domestically. With me so far? Yet it's OK to ask Russia and Saudi Arabia to drill for more oil and gas so we can buy from them to meet our needs. So is it about the fraudulent climate change agenda or the DEMOCRATS just stupid or is it something else cause it aint about the climate.
While buffoons cite a single prediction, that's not too far off in any respect, and ignore the many that have come to pass as evidence of global warming, here are seven undeniable trends that show that the Earth is warming at an accelerated pace: 1. Seas are rising faster. Global sea levels have risen eight inches over the past century, but the rate of rise over the past 20 years is double that of the entire previous 100 years. 2. Temperatures are rising faster. Thermometers don't lie. Earth's average temperature has risen 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 100 years, with most of the increase in the past 30. The seven most recent years are the warmest on record. Consensus among climatologists is that the surface temperature of the Earth will rise 2.5 to 10 degrees over the next 100 years. 3. Oceans are warming. The ocean's surface has risen nearly 1 degree F in the past 40 years. 4. Ice sheets are shrinking. Greenland has lost 280 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2019, while Antarctica has lost 150 billion tons per year. 5. Humidity is increasing all over the world. 6. Snow cover has been dramatically reduced. This year's snow cover is the smallest in 40 years. 7. Oceans are more acidic. Ocean surface acidity rises as waters absorb more greenhouse-effect carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; acidity has risen 30% in the past 150 years, and scientists predict that acidification will increase by 150% over the next 100 years.
Stop posting. Posting uses energy. Energy produces CO2. CO2 kills the planet. Stop killing the planet.
cold kills way more than warm. warming saves people. and fewer people die from climate related events now than anytime in history. the issue isnt maintaining the exact same snow levels or ocean levels ocean acid or humidity as some arbitrary time in history. its how that stuff matter to humans. does snow cover save humans? does low humidity save humans? no. what helps humans thrive is cheap and available energy, fossil fuels.
Scientists had no idea what the acidity of the oceans were 150 years ago. You are a liar and a fraud. And compared to what other time frames in earths 4.5 billion year history? Summation. Your so called facts are gathered from agenda driven scientist and also you are too ignorant to realize your "facts" cover only 200 years of earths 4.5 billion year history. Lastly you have no answers for even one of my 50 climate test questions. Like all DEMOCRATS you are a fraud. Open the link below and see how often YOUR "scientists" predictions were wrong. They are always wrong all the time just like you. 50 years of bullshit by agenda driven scientist. Open it if you dare. You won't because deep down you know you are wrong. https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-of-failed-eco-pocalyptic-predictions/ Question; Why did the the leftist change the term global warming to climate change?