On top of your utter nonsense you're utterly dishonest. I posted the hot December days in Baton Rouge because YOU posted a link to some snowfall on one day in some obscure Chinese village as evidence that the earth is NOT warming. I would never post singular weather events as proof of anything; it's YOU IN YOUR UTTER UNEDUCATED NONSENSE that does that. I have stated multiple times that it's the TREND, not single days, that demonstrate the earth is warming. Record daily high temperatures have exceeded record daily cold temperatures for about 30 years now, and now those record highs outnumber the record lows by about 4 to 1. In fact, you're so UTTERLY NONSENSICAL AND DESPERATE you can't even keep your arguments straight. Sometimes you post that the earth is not warming, but then at other times you post that, yes, the earth is warming but rising CO2 is causing it.... depending on your stupid mood of the moment. But then you deny that mankind is causing a rise in CO2 in the atmosphere, but then you acknowledge that CO2 is rising but that it's a good thing. Your arguments are scattered all over the place because you're scatterbrained. But you know what gives me hope? Young people know the score.... they know that dinosaurs such as yourself are self-centered deniers who don't give a shit about what you leave behind.... and they're all too happy to see you die off.
Blah ba blah ba blah blah blah. You know less than nothing about climate dynamics. You are like a deranged sycophant leftist parrot repeating what your masters say. AAHH global warming, AAHH seas are rising AAHH the poor polar bears. You don't have an original thought based on common sense because you have none and too far up DEMOCRATS ass to actually consider other opinions. If you had a sliver of common sense you would know man cant control jack shit with climate. We cant control rain, wind, clouds, tornadoes how in the fuck can we control climate. You might be the stupidest mofo I have ever posted with. The only reason I post cold days and cold events is just to counter your stupid shit. Die off? Don't hold your breath or maybe you should to save the planet from dreaded CO2. That's how ignorant you are. Afraid of the very gas that sustains life on earth. Be a trend setter hold your breath and die for your cause. Walk the walk bro or STFU. I will be around for a long time to expose your stupidity and stop the brain washing of children like Greta who's parents should be arrested for destroying her childhood. Better keep poor little Greta away from your deranged pedophile president though so he doesn't pinch her tits too.
Is that your latest bit of climate change advice, caca? More impressive than most misinformation you spew.
Because of Climate Change you all realize that all traveling sports should be permanently banned as well as concerts. Just sayin not that I believe in what they are trying to sale. If the people preaching the hysteria lived it, would be a different story. Its a good way though to get people to comply to bring in the Great Reset. Things are getting real, we will soon live under tyranny if these tyrants get away with this.
Thought you thoughtless climate clowns fear the dreaded CO2? Sorry amigo just seeing how committed you are to your cause. Oh didn't answer my questions I see. What's a matter cat got your tongue? or your brain gets vapor lock when it has to use common sense. 1. Why did the the leftist change the term global warming to climate change? 2. What caused the last Ice age to begin 2.6 million years ago and end 11,000 years ago?
From the man who sees Pedo Joe on national TV fondle and pinch the tit of an 8 year old child and says Pedo Joe just loves children. From the man who thinks earths history began the day he was born. Go de-gas a cow or comfort that imminent climate scientist little Greta when she gets over emotional. You are out of your league on this subject. Yo Fred Flintsone me nor anyone here said man hide in caves from velocirators. What I did say to you is how do YOU know they didn't were you there? This is all you DEMOCRATS have is to misrepresent and twist words to further your cause. 1. Why did the the leftist change the term global warming to climate change? 2. What caused the last Ice age to begin 2.6 million years ago and end 11,000 years ago?
Oh here is something you can do since you are so committed to your cause; go wipe your ass with your face cloth and reuse it. That should cool the earth down a bit or at least brown your nose. As a public service please warn you friends and associates that you reuse your face cloth to wipe your ass so they can avoid shaking your hand. https://www.climatedepot.com/2022/0...le-toilet-eco-friendly-washable-toilet-paper/