Why did you get poor Ms Khutan involved, does she know you are doing this? Did she give you permission? Why don't you and your sympathetic liberals help move Ms Khutan to higher ground since you care so much. I showed you the snow in China to show you warm weather in one part on the planet doesn't mean it warm everywhere. You remember freezing you ass off last February? Geeze why am I wasting my time.
Hey got a favor give me Ms Khutans cell number want to give her a shout. Also I need you to call Ms Torguson up in Iamfreezingmyassoff, Wisconsin and tell her the earth is warming up too fast. Mary Torguson 554-328-7448
more climate change news from the Babylon bee…. From Tornadoes To Myocarditis, Here Are The 9 Worst Effects Of Climate Change Climate change is here. It is too late to reverse the changes. If only we had listened to Al Gore back in the day, we'd be flying around in wind-powered hovercrafts in a world without gasoline, pollution, or crime. Man oh man. But it's too late for all that! So now we must suffer the consequences. Here are the 9 worst effects of climate change: 1. Tornadoes, which have never happened before in human history:Wind started spinning and made these crazy funnel things, which were totally unheard of since before this month. They named them "tornadoes" after Tornado Alley, which was discovered by Bob Tornado back in 1908. 2. Myocarditis: As the sea grows, so do human hearts. Weird! 3. Inflation: You can draw a perfect inverse correlation between global temperature levels and the value of the U.S. dollar. Coincidence? 4. White supremacy: The heat makes people racist. It's science. If you want to attack us for this idea, think twice. Because we represent science. Why do you hate science? 5. Trump?: We haven't thought this one all the way through, but Trump? Gotta be connected somehow. 6. God's Not Dead sequels: Before Al Gore warned us about climate change, there were zero God's Not Dead movies. Now there are over seventy. If only we had listened! 7. Biden being a terrible president: This is actually Trump's fault, because Trump didn't stop climate change, forcing Biden to be a bad president. Way to go, Trump! 8. The disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal: The heat made Biden and the generals make bad decisions. If only they'd had a nice, cold Pepsi to cool off with. This item brought to you by Pepsi-Cola. 9. Fyre Festival: Fire is right in the name, even though they spelled it wrong. Ja Rule did nothing wrong! How do you feel about yourself now that you know that your contributions to climate change have caused all these things to happen? Go think about what you've done. With the heater off, of course.
50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called ‘experts’ are 0-50 https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/50-y...c-predictions-the-so-called-experts-are-0-50/
I just couldn't help but posting this here ..... this picture sums up the leftosphere's idiocracy about Climate Change.
the dems hate fossil fuels because cheap fossil fuel energy is needed to turn a poor agrarian society into a rich advanced industrial/information economy. like africa for instance, they need massive amounts of cheap energy to modernize. but the liberals want to restrict humanity from using cheap energy. so the global poor, who are not white, are held down by the green movement. its interesting how many liberal policies hurt blacks disproportionately. they dont want to say their racists things out loud, they just dog whistle it to their followers.
Yes the dirty little secret is the left hurts blacks and so called minorities much more than anyone. Their green fraud will impoverish and kill more people in predominantly black countries. Be careful Rex can hear dog whistles when even dogs can't hear them.
Yet more proof that the climate hustlers are not about the climate but rather about destroying capitalism and installing a Marxist style authoritarian socialism. https://www.climatedepot.com/2021/1...wns-to-address-the-alleged-climate-emergency/