Sure, if we ignore the fact that humans need farmlands to survive and that rising CO2 causes sea levels to rise, eradicating farm lands. Data supports the fact that the vast majority of the Earth's arable land is along sea coasts, and that 95% of the world's arable land is already under cultivation, and that humans can't live without eating. Data supports the facts that CO2 is rising, sea level is rising, farmland is being lost.
Do you know where majority of farm lands currently reside? Then why are most farms inland? Can you name a single farm lost to climate change? Surely the doubling of CO2, as you say, should have closed some usable farmland by now?
Hey call Obama and tell him of his impending doom since he bought a house 100 yrs from the Atlantic Ocean, guess he is either too stupid to know what you know or he knows this whole global warming is all bullshit. You might also want to give Al Gore a call and tell him maybe if he believed in Global Warming he should give up his 24,000 sq ft house his SUVS and his G5 airplane. I want him to keep his shit to produce more CO2 to help stop the next ice age which in coming. Your lack of basic climate science skills are exceeded only by your hypocrisy
The entire Climate issue is a classic example of fishing for a problem so they can plug in their ready made solution. (green new deal)
None of that disproves global warming. By the way, is the Earth warming or not? You said earlier that atmospheric CO2 rises because of heating. Do you take that back? Do you deny that these are your words?: "More scientist are proving CO2 rises after temperature rises not the opposite." Doesn't feel real nice, does it, to be suffocating in your own bullshit? You've trapped yourself in your own dumb propaganda.
As it has. Research Bengladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives, Tuvalu, the world over, in fact. Not to mention wetlands which also provide sustenance for humans. See Louisiana, Brazil, Tanzania, Japan, the world over, in fact.
So, great, please show me a single farm that closed due to climate change. Based on the above, shouldn't take you too long.
Yes the earth is still warmig up from the last ice age not because of man ( don't worry you don't count as a man) and yes there is more CO2 because we are NATURALLY warming up. You think (not sure about that) but we are low on CO2 wish we had a lot more. Yes heat rises before CO2 rises which disproves everything the left is trying bullshit us with so they can tax and control us. You are pretty brave for continuing to hang out here, please stay.