You aren't trying to say that man can control the flight path of asteroids are you? Like "climate change" has nothing to do with know that right?
Fuck you I'm not a moron, I Aced physics and astronomy. Actually we can alter the flight path of an asteroid but not significantly and certainly not enough to save us if needed. Kiki pointed out, somewhat condescendingly, that Earth had been impacted before by an asteroid and look around now everything is fine. Most everyone knows the Chicxulub impact most likely is what killed off the non-avian dinosaurs; however, they might not realize how much else it killed and how long Earth took to recover. Which is all I posted. I'm interested in that kind of stuff and I thought someone else might also. As an aside, one of the latest theories is that it wasn't an asteroid but part of a comet. By the way Earth has been hit many many times and Chicxulub is not even the largest crater. The Vredefort crater in Southern Africa is a bit larger and hit way before the dino-killer. If your interested here is a link to a map of the known impact craters from the Earth impact Database
I can't believe you're dismissing away the detrimental effects of global warming by stating that an asteroid wiped out so much so long ago. Well, I said that sarcastically. OF COURSE I believe you'd make such a dumbass argument.
Condescendingly? Call it whatever you want. Before the asteroid humans didn't exist or if they somehow did they were cowering in caves living a miserable life trying to not become lunch for a velociraptor. Since that asteroid we are thriving. There are still many dinosaurs and other prehistoric critters running around. Besides what does an asteroid hitting the earth have to do with natural climate change? In a way they are but volcanoes are more of a threat than asteroids.
One DEMOCRAT voting is more dangerous to a productive free civilization than global warming. Since you are back to global warming when did global warming began on earth in your view?
Just tell all us stupid people here when did global warming began on earth. 10, 100, 1000, 100,000 or 1 billion years ago? Seems to me this should be a very simple question for you considering your VAST knowledge of earth science's an climatology. Another stupid question; If you think man can cool the earth because it's too hot what if it becomes too cold? How will YOU and the DEMOCRATS warm the earth back up? Come on Curpernicus You should ace this one too.
What are you talking about?? The Chicxulub impact was 65 million years ago; the earliest anything close to human was alive was 300,000 to 500,000 years ago; that means there is a gap of 64,500,000 years between that asteroid and man. There is no linkage between the two. The only time man and velociraptor have been together is in the movies. In fact Velociraptor was likely already gone 5 million years before the Chicxulub impact; or said differently 69,500,000 years before man And it was you who brought the asteroid into the conversation. I was just providing additional education on the subject, which you obviously need.