That would be just pulling them down to their level, I wish he would just get benched. Does anyone remember who it was that did the same thing to Glen Dorsey? :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
I think a ton of football fans hate to see dirty plays that intentionally try to injure players. Chop blocks are nothing like legal hard hits which are greatly appreciated by most.
Forgot his name but I read on rivals where he'd come duck hunting in La. with one of the posters there and the poster (LSU fan) said he was VERY comfortable that it wasn't intentional after talking with him and how the AU player was VERY nice and sincere. Jus sayin.
He was duck hunting with an crazy coonass LSU fan with a think he'd be anything BUT "nice and sincere"??? :thumb:
The guy that hit Dorsey was Chaz something, #76. He was at the other end of the line for the clemson chop block.