What the NFL is doing is called discrimination. They're discriminating against a group(not 3 yrs out of high school). They are not (drafting)hiring these individuals solely on the basis of their age, not b/c they are not qualified.
It has been rumored Williams left because he would not have been eligible next year which is reason he would play anywhere. As to court ruling, the court said they would make an intermediate decision after a vote and issue their written decision a month or so later. Said decision would be same as announced. So decision has been made but not issued. The union negotiated contract is the reason. Courts will not overrule union eligibility requirements and SCOTUS has upheld this right numerous times. If they overruled, it would overturn years of court cases and this will not happen.
Just like the NCAA discriminates against people and certain schools get punished worse than others. Clarett will dig his own grave and i'm personally getting a kick out of this whole thing. From what I'm hearing Clarett ran a 4.7, they were talking about it on a sports radio show, sounds like he won't be good enough to make it in the NFL with that kind of blazing speed. It was an NFL draft preview show. Heck, I could just about run that now days and I'm 39 years old! Is that also discrimination? If he isn't fast enough to make it?
I love when you hold on to my sac, College basketball does suck. How can you pull for a team that can't keep the best player for more then a year. Thats why football is the best. You can watch a guy grow over a three-five year spand. Minus the championship game? Thats what its all about. Bird and Johnson, Jorden and Sampson. I wouldn't miss a nights sleep if they got rid of basketball. TGFFootball
I've enjoyed watching lots of kids grow and develop at Duke, Kansas, Arizona, Gonzaga, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Missouri, etc... The talent is not as thin as the media would like you to believe. College basketball is desperate for pure shooters, but the talent level is still high. There are established coaches out there recruiting 3 and 4 year players who play and develop very well - the media simply decides that isn't exciting. So, they stick their heads up the asses of individuals and have you believe that college basketball is suffering without the contributions of these individuals. Don't be a sheep, College Basketball doesn't suck...
the problem with your logic is that discrimination is wrong or somehow not the right of ther person who owns a business. if i own a business and i refuse to hire white people, i should be allowed, and you should not force me, its is my business, not yours. forcing people to not discriminate is terrible and wrong and stupid. let people manage their own companies the way they want and stop meddling with what isnt yours.
It is an ill intent that the 2 kids are not eligible for the draft; however, sporting agents really mess up a lot of kids. I think the following bill would help college football players and penalize bad sport agents. http://www.2theadvocate.com/stories/042004/new_coaches001.shtml