Christianity-NO; Allah-YES!

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LsuCraig, May 23, 2006.

  1. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Thats not hard to beleive. I know some Christians who are real jerks. I also know some Muslims who are hella nice and fun to be around. You can't make a blanket statement like all Muslims are dumb, hairy, and smell bad so I won't like them.
  2. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Why is it so important to have any religious symbols on taxpayer property? It seems people want religious freedom in this country as long as that religion is christianity.

    People should be free to decorate private property with whatever religious symbols they want. But I'll never understand why people think gov't property should have them as well.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    The pledge certainly isn't the same scenario but I don't see the difference, really, atheists don't tolerate christianity.
    It seems to be black and white in this case.
    You either tolerate religion or you don't?
    Maybe culture was the wrong word.
    There are people who want to do away with Christmas, or did you not know this?

    Only government sponsered things, maybe, but thats usually for starters and
    things advance from there.
    Interesting phrase, they don't care if you sight the ten commandments in church, how about in a grocery store, wallmart or tiger stadium?
    Do I have freedom of speech to say these things or read a bible in these other places as long as I don't invade or attack someone elses space?

    The Muslim thing, I don't know...
    I wouldn't want my kids learning that any more than learning atheism.
    Especially after 9/11, Muslims were the ones that attacked this country.
    I have a question for you, forget atheists.
    Would Muslims care if we made their kids act like Christians in social studies class.
  4. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    EXACTLY, thats the same way I feel about atheists.
    They want to take down crosses at cemetaries.
    They want to attack Christmas.
    They want to attack the pledge.
    They want to attack and get rid of the word "god".
    They will want to do away with Christians in the near future.

    They want to attack the very thing that this country has had in existance
    for many years such as all that was stated earlier in this thread.
    That stuff was tolerated for a number of years.
    Some 20, some 200 years but we have to change it now to kiss the atheists
    butt because he doesn't want to see the word "god" or know it exists.

    You say why have it on government property?
    I don't care if it is on government property or not, that is not my arguement.
    I say why remove it when it was there to begin with, why was it there in the
    first place?
    People, please explain, why was this stuff ever there to begin with?

    It only alarms me because we seem to want to remove "god" and Christianity
    from everything, government or non-government.
    How about that cross in San Diego, that doesn't bother you?
    There is nothing wrong with removing these things from memorials and
    cemetaries? Just a thought
    "It seems people want religious freedom in this country as long as that religion is atheism."
  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    One more point...
    We are suppose to have separation of church and state.
    Well, it should work both ways meaning one individual, judge or no judge
    shouldn't be able to make decisons about removing symbols from our society.
    I would rather see a panel instead of one person who just might believe in wizards.

    Supafan, I agree, shouldn't have made blanket statement.
    I'm honest, I'm prejudice as hell after 9/11.
    We do stereo type things in this country.

    Honestly, if atheists thought like Martin saying religion is nuts they would just look the other way
    instead of feeling threatened and going to court to get things removed.
  6. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    Knowing your enemy, and kissing their rears are two different things. I know a great deal about islam, mostly due to being around different groups of them often. Are there good muslims? Sure, some, but most hate us and hate what we stand for. Sun Tzu would laugh at the way we conduct our war fighting now-a-days. He wanted to know his enemies better so that he could destroy them easier. We want to know them better so that we can understand why they hate us so much. Once we figure that out, we can change our behavior so as not to piss them off in the future. Big difference there red.

    Yep, if you disagree with me, then you are probably a traitor. At the very least, you're a scumbag. Very observant of you red. :thumb:
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    This is exactly why we are so much better than the Middle Eastern cultures. We can fairly present the otherside of the tale. I doubt any Iranian children learn an unbiased view of Christianity. So, while we will know the enemy they will know propaganda. I don't understand how this weakens us in anyway.
  8. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    You are missing the point. Know your enemies. Do not embrace them. Hell, in this day and age, we don't even teach our own history correctly. It's not that the children are learning about islam that bothers me. It's the way it is taught and presented that gets under my skin. Our schools have reinvented our history and we've done a pretty good job of reinventing theirs also.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i would agree with you, but i will wait until this story is picked up by more than some jerkass writing an opinion column.
  10. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Honestly, does any of that prevent you from worshipping at home or at your church? Does it stop you from praying throughout the day? How has any of that affected you or your family's ability to worship the way you want?

    If we removed any and all references to religion on government property, would our lives really change? How would not having "In God We Trust" on our money change anything?

    I've always viewed religion as a personal and private matter. I'll get pissed off if/when people start messing with my ability to worship, or not to worship. But honestly, none of this has stopped me from doing my own thing.

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