So does the co-pilot of a plane on fire. It's no coincidence that Fox News' ratings are going through the roof right now. Beck's rants are backed up with documentation.
Glenn Beck's about the only one I watch on Fox. I find him interesting and as you point out, very fact oriented. Not sure about O'Reilly, he just annoys me. I just bought one of Glenn Beck's books and will start reading it soon.
O'Reilley's problem is his massive ego. He gives Obama credit where it's due. How do you know if you don't watch?
thats a joke for anyone not knowing. at least on the latter part. i dont watch any of them. at least not more than 5 mins. hannity is like me, he just parrots what levin says as his own. im a back bencher. not to be confused with fish who is a back-doorer. no way could i watch oreilly. i hated him before that hypocrite was exposed in that sex scandal. some hot female has to be involved to excite me. i think fish is clearly the one to defer to here.
what do you mean, john stewart is the most trusted man in america "The Daily Show's Jon Stewart has been selected, in an online poll conducted by Time Magazine, as America's Most Trusted Newscaster" Online Poll: Jon Stewart Is America's Most Trusted Newsman