Charles Krauthammer: I'm voting for John McCain

Discussion in 'New Orleans Saints Forum' started by Andouille, Oct 25, 2008.


    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Don't worry! soon as Obama is elected all our problems will be over. :lol:

    If Bush was supposed to win the war in Iraq in 21 days, Obama should have the economic crisis under control within a week. :thumb:
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Krauthammer is the main neo-conservative commentator in the country. He loves George Bush to this day. His endorsement of Obama should tell voters exactly what they already know. Electing McCain will get us another term of the same incompetence and failed policies as the last two that got us here.

    The failure of the Republicans is astonishing. They not only lost the 2006 elections badly and are going to lose the Presidency in 2008, but the Senate is going to add 7-10 new democrats and the House is going to add 25-30 democrats.
  3. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Then the next 4 yrs will make the last 8 look like a bed of roses.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That's one possibility. It could also be a return to the prosperity, stability, and international reputation of the Bill Clinton years.
  5. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    O yea Billy Boy, the one that started our economic downfall. then Palosi and her cronies finished it off.

    And maybe Obama will lessen our military like Willy did and another 9/11 will happen. But i do think if Obama catches Bin Laden, like Willy did, he won't let him go this time.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Go back and read the history, amigo, your memory is failing. America had the best economy of modern times under Clinton. Unprecedented prosperity. Clinton posted budget surplusses and was paying down the deficit (that Bush doubled). The collapse happened entirely under Bush.

    Re-inventing history. Give me one example of Pelosi contributing to our "economic downfall" in the less than 2 years that she has been Speaker. Bush's veto has prevented her from doing anything.

    Geez, you're really reinventing history today, do you think I'm going to let you get away with it?

    1. The post-Cold War downsizing of the military was needed and was done by Congress. It started under Bush I, continued under Clinton, and under Bush II. Rumsfeld was the major proponent of downsizing. It's why we failed in Iraq--not enough troops were allocated, we didn't have them anymore.

    2. 9/11 happened under Bush, not Clinton and had nothing to do with military preparedness. Let me remind you that the Millenium Bombings (terror on a 9/11 scale) was thwarted and prevented under Clinton and the perpetrators were caught. The first WTC bombing happened under Clinton and the perperators were captured and convicted.

    Let me also remind you that 9/11 was not prevented by Bush (who was criticized for it by the 9/11 Commission) and the perpetrators have still not been caught seven years later.
  7. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    who is this "govt." you speak of and where does he get his money from?

    then it ought to make you absolutely giddy if you were to write a check TODAY to the us treasury to help pay down the debt. why is it that progressives are thrilled to spend other peoples hard earned money but unwilling to part with their own? be patriotic....wite that check today :cool:

    let me on them = good, tax on you = bad

    then a few additional billion injected by the dems ought to right the ship....still interested where that "govt" guy gets all his dough from....
  8. Chip82

    Chip82 Founding Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Obama has stated specifically that he plans to cut spending on defense and reduce the payout amounts for government funded healthcare. These two moves will kill off 25% of the remaining 50% of corporate America that is still financially healthy.

    I absolutely hate those ads that appear to be sanctioned by the American Medical Association. They are highly deceptive.

    If you honestly ask people working within the healthcare profession, they will tell you that the last thing that is needed is for unions to emerge within all hospital environments, which is another government grab for power that Obama proposes.

    In some ways it appears that Obama wants the rest of the economy to implode so that the government will be able to take over virtually everything.

    Barney Frank was able to quietly implode Freddie Mac and Fannie May without much trouble at all. Even more insidious was the fact that Barney Frank turned around and blamed it all on the Republicans and the average person on the street believed him.
  9. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    I pay plenty of taxes. If I didn't, I would not have begun to lose deductions under the Clinton tax increases in 92.

    I cannot pay off the govt. budget deficit by myself. Neither can Buffet. It would do nothing. In order to move toward balancing the budget, we need new tax and spending policies. That is the only thing that will work, as a practical matter. Bankrupting me personally and failing to achieve a significant move to balancing the budget, and throwing me on welfare, is just a silly idea. But, as a fair application of tax policy, I'm happy to pay my share, and I don't complain about it.

    let me on them = good, tax on you = bad
    You're not listening very well. I pay plenty of taxes, and I am not opposed to paying more as part of a tax policy that moves in the direction of a balanced fed. budget.
  10. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    Well lets see. The republicans tripled the debt and raised inflation (tax).

    Looks like a stalemate.

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