we could have the best damn wrs, rbs, and qb in the world; if we don't have big uglies blocking its for nothing. Yes we need oline, dline, wr, and having more rbs wont hurt. To be able to match up with the gumps we need bigger olinmen, and some depth. Good thing we are working on the depth now.
Yeah I know I've been discussing no dline depth as our biggest hamstring for 6 years now. Right on this board. Don't have to tell me. And inconsistent oline play under miles/studrawa was often frustrating.
Miles ran all our good WRs because they were sick of his shit. If Canada sticks around that should change.
Havent seen any evidence that Canada is using his recievers as pass recievers they all seem to be is glorified RB's. His scheme has been fairly successful but he is certaintly not using his WR's even though they are big rangy athletes. One of my biggest complaints this year.
You are right they better catch it because they wont see the ball much. The delima is we are winning without throwing it, kudos to Canada for that. I just hope we have some sort of passing attack against Bama cause it will be hard to fool Saban with our offense. Also hope we can keep the recievers we have now on the team. These guys have to be a bit frustrated not getting to be part of the offense except as blockers and a jet sweep now and then. WR recruits have to be concerned about coming here looking at our offense so it will be interesting to see how our WR recruiting goes this year. If its all because of our poor pass blocking hope next year we will see a more robust passing attack.