I'm still interested in your perspective. To me a citizen in a country with no official language should not be bound to the language of the majority.
If this election turns out way I don't want it to, I will likely be unable to retire as planned because my 401K ain't gonna be worth jack. If the election turns out the way I don't want it to, we are going to be subjected to a terrorist attack(s) on our citizens within a couple of years. People who can't read english are not the one who will vote the way I want them to. They are going to vote in such a way as to enhance their way of life which is "gimme more". Hard working, tax paying Americans are also able to read english. My grandmother could not read or wrte english and she spoke very little of it. Like most of her contemporaries, she voted for whomever her kids told her to vote for.
so my grandmaw who worked and paid taxes from her wages for probably close to 65 years should be unable to vote because someone told your grandmother how to vote? sorry, but I can't side with you on this one. However, I do understand the stance you're trying to take. Just don't see how it can be enforced without screwing over people in a situation like my grandparents are/were in.
They are, literally, a dying breed and not the ones I'm concerned about. Also, our grandparents didn't have to worry about muslims and/or socialists getting elected to the White House.
Who the President is has no effect on your investments. In the history of the stock market 100% of the 10 year periods have made money and 97% of the five year periods have made money. The political leanings of the President do not have impact on the market. Typical Republican fear mongering. Your guy is in the office now, supposedly fighting a war on terra, yet intelligence reports state Al Queda is stronger than ever. I seriously doubt any candidate will do a worse job. More typical Republican fear mongering. There are hundreds of thousands of non-English speaking Americans that are not on the dole, and never have been, and their votes cross a wide spectrum. I think I notice a trend. Lay of the Michael Savage.
I wish about half of the people in this country would just stay home. JMO. If you're too stupid to understand what is going on, then you're too stupid to cast a vote of who should run this country....again, JMO.
eliminating people who do't "think exactly like I think" is a dangerous slope my friend. Sounds an awful like that last election the elected Sadam. Hitler tried to eliminate people that ddn't think like him too.
Bull. His Capital gains and tax the rich ideas spell doom for investors. Believe what you will. Al Qaeda is nowhere near the force they were 8 years ago. But take the pressure off and they'll be back like termites. Again, Bull. The ones not on the dole have better jobs and learning the language gets them those jobs. I'll ignore the personal shot .
I'm not trying to eliminate anyone. Huge overreaction to my point which is if you don't know the langiuage, you don't have a clue as to what is going on.