i'll never understand the bashing of aaron brooks. "he smiles to much" "he's enjoying a GAME to much, burn him at the stake!"
:rofl::rofl: You don't understand...this hapless franchise is like life and death to half of their idiot fans. The other half have it right.
If a quarterback can be laughing on the sideline after throwing an interception (almost anytime he throws an int), I think there is something wrong with his competitiveness.
The dude cares about as much whether or not the Saints lose as I do. I don't collect a $16 million check from them though. The guy has no brains whatsoever..........evidenced by his braindead play game after game.
did anyone else see the comment about the eagles? i seriously love how they single-handedly blamed the downfall of the eagles season on Chad Lavalais...because he gave the hit that game mcnabb the sports hernia. i mean seriusly, injuries are a part of the game, you play each knowing you have a chance to get injured, but (i believe it was Al Michaels) the way he said it made it seem like it was all Lavalais's fault
Well, statistically, he's almost always laughing on the sidelines. Also, statistically, if he's coming off the field onto the sideline, the odds that he's just thrown an int are infinity. Also, the odds of him not laughing on the sideline after just throwing an interception, are a very small, finite number. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the worth of Aaron Brooks as a human being is zero. From this it follows that the worth of the Saints management and team is also zero, and that any Saints fans you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.
Here's an interesting factoid about the New Orleans Saints. In all of their road games throughout their ENTIRE history in which they trail by more than 7 points at the beginning of the 4th Quarter, the New Orleans Saints have compiled a won-loss record of ZERO and 106. I stopped caring about this loser franchise a long time ago. I now find their ineptness amusing, and I look forward to a 3-13 season in 2005. I taped last night's MNF game because I'm hoping that it will be the very last nationally televised NO Saints game in history. I look forward to the day when I can tell my great grandchildren about the St. Louis Browns and the New Orleans Saints . . . both lost and forgotten sports teams of yesteryear. PS Did everybody see that wonderfully inept Saints defensive play when the two Saints pass defenders collide into each other and fall to the ground whilst the Falcon receiver catches the pass and dances into the endzone for a TD? That single play represents in ONE PLAY the absolute essence of the New Orleans Saints throughout their bleak history.