1. Trumps alien friends Klaatu and Gort along with Rooskies stole the election.

    watson1880 likes this.
  2. Glad we have this established

    Can't shoot the messenger here, this is a "that bitch problem" nothing else

    You are learning

    Warfare you say? IF They had anything to do with it we owe them a solid in my opinion. Since day one I've stood firm on anyone but that bitch and I'm not about to change now. Buh bye you crooked cunt. Drift off into Bolivia with your cigar wielding crook of a husband

    Protecting home court buddy

    Funny how you libs are so tolerant
  3. Fuck Russia, fuck CNN, fuck that queer Lemons, fuck Obama and fuck rex.
  4. rex why are you claiming russia stole the election, isnt this one of your list of signs of fascism?:

    doesnt this same thing apply to you? you are here saying hillary would have won but the election was stolen by your opponents?

    seems like you are trying to delegitimize the govt becuase fascists claim, according to you: "dont really lose, they were stabbed in the back"
    fanatic likes this.
  5. i thought your claim was that the left made no claims about actual votes? are you trying to question elections to empower your fascists racst hypocritical friends?
  6. ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
    shane0911 and fanatic like this.
  7. fuck they stole the election!
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  8. so they stole the election then? careful. saying that can get you in trouble