1. A grown up Honey Boo Boo?

    LSUTiga likes this.
  2. A Ronda Rousey cousin for sure.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  3. Senator Mark Warner is now saying that the Russian hacks into actual voting systems and election software vendors were much broader than reported in that one leaked memo.
  4. Feel bad for this poor girl. Trump and Clinton can leak classified info and nothing happens to them but this chick just wanted Americans to know and she is looking at 10-15.
  5. I've decided I don't. I'm ALL FOR whistleblower protections.... when a leaker exposes criminal activities by politicians and other government officials. But that's not what this girl did.... she leaked classified info that only exposed the Russians. This was information that would have eventually been made public by the FBI and it does nothing in itself to take down anybody in the Trump Administration, as corrupt as they are.
  6. "Intent"
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. Reality
  8. You seem way too intelligent to post something, with so many if's, and's, and but's to make your point.
  9. I am not inclined to say that Russian hacking changed or blocked any actual votes, although I'm confident they dissuaded enough from Hillary to have made a difference. Whether or not that's true is irrelevant at this point; what IS important is that Russia waged cyber warfare against our democracy and anybody who helped them in that effort is as guilty of treason as any American who has taken up arms against the United States. And anybody who defends the traitors is an unpatriotic twit who should hop the first boat to the nearest dictatorship.