nobody is getting drafted and you know it. you just make consistent personal arguments that you think are immune from criticism because they are personal. for example when you claimed your stepfather would be outraged at the investigation of kerry's medals because he was dead and was had medals. it didnt even make sense. it is as if you attempt to de-fang the opposition with personal sob stories. i am not buying it. regarding the draft, people ask bush about it. it is not needed and he has ruled it out. you are lying when you say what you said. pure and simple, you lie to strengthen your arguments. agreed?
i have heard republicans mention it only to answer questions, and they "rule it out". not gonna happen. neither you nor i nor his son are going anywhere. it is a extrmely cheap political argument, to mention that your son could be drafted, to elicit false sympathy for your cause. liberals do that all the time.
Ellis Hugh, of course you won't hear Republicans saying a draft is coming. It would cost them votes. However, even Donald Rumsfeld has admiited that we are stretched too thin, and is recommending a bigger military. Time Magazine explored the question in a December issue. Might be wise to read it. As far as martin is concerned, if you doubt that my father-in-law won a Bronze Star and a Purple Star, or that I have a son of military age, or a nephew in the Army, or a friend in Iraq, I'd be more than happy to wager you on all that. Put up or shut up.
i dont dispute that any of these things are true, please pay attention. i dispute that they are even slightly relevant. you try to pull some sensitive strings, but they have no connections. i am of draft age. my dad was an officer the military for over 20 years, his father was a career military colonel and the commandant of a military school, my sister's husband is a former ranger and green beret who now works in military intelligence and has served in both afganistan and iraq, but none of that is relevant to my arguments. see how that works? our connections make no difference to what is true and what isnt. your claims about the draft are lies, independent of the status of your father in law or your son. are you aware that the military can get bigger without the draft?
You can not have meaningful dialogue with liars, hence the continued post of. Some of us have chosen not to respond to liars, hope you will join us. :thumb:
The military is stretched quite thin, no one is arguing that. But to the extent of draft? Hardly Right now, I think many don't understand how thin we are at certain places. Heck, we are running out of bullets....not kidding either.
martin. Learn to read. I never said that a draft IS coming. I said there is danger of one, and insinuated that the danger is significant. Both the statement and the insinuation are true. I never said that my emotions determine the truth. What I said is that my father-in-law would be appalled that someone would try to demean the merit of Kerry's duly-processed medals. I never claimed that that particular outrage has any bearing on the merit of Kerry's medals, which has been independently established. The object of my post was not the legitimacy of Kerry's medals, but a commentary on the nature of Bush's campaign. Now as far as my son, my relatives, and my friends are concerned, you bet your ass that their sanctity and dignity as human beings are critical considerations in any war, and should be the very first things discussed. By the way, I haven't mentioned it previously, and I say this as a steadfast atheist, but your statements that belief in a god is "moronic" are way off base. I'll chalk it up to hysterical immaturity, just as it led you to read things into what I said. I sincerely hope that others don't believe your rants are typical of atheist argumentation. Now, post away. As for me, I don't know that I'll respond, or even if I'll remain on this board, because I do not wish to see myself falling once again into a pattern of replying to people who won't address the issues but instead attack the messenger.