I have insurance and I didn't have a car that qualified as a clunker, this administration is really working well for me.
I also already own a home and the government isn't sending me a check for $8000 for being able to do that. I am not sure how this equal opportunity thing is suppose to work...my opportunities came about because of sacrifice, not because of someone scheming to obtain electoral support by providing materalistic benefits. This really bothers me. I give monies to charities I choose each year. Is it really constitutional that I am required to help someone buy a car, house,or insurance? Maybe with that $12,500 I could pay for a semester of college for my daughter, no, wait, I should also fund that for others also. Certainly not something I had paid for me, nor will have funded by others for my daughter. This is so much not about ensuring competition and a level playing field, but rather creating a dependency state. These types of programs were suppose to give folk a helping hand, and once the situation improved they would no longer need support. Why does the pool of those needing support just keep getting larger and larger and we introduce more and more programs? Talk about a FAILED policy.....
Same with me. Where is my $8 grand for already owning a home? If its legal for the government to print up trillions of new dollars and spend them faster than a fleet of drunken sailors on leave they should at least have the decency to look the other way if I print myself a meager few $thousands. I'm not talking about Billy Cannon type money. Just enough to pay my bills and buy a new car.
sure, cash for clunkers didnt get us anything, but at least our debt or taxes will increase. i dont have a car, but certainly it is my responisbility as an american to buy cars for other people. i cant have people riding around in a car more than 10 years old or so!
Its also the responsibility of your unborn children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. They will surely come to understand that as Americans we can't be seen riding around in clunkers. What would the rest of the world think of us. I want every American to have a top of the line German or Japanese luxury vehicle and I want my taxes raised so that I can help pay to make it happen
I know why this topic has me so upset today. My Dad came off a farm sitting atop a dome of crystalline rock, and my Mom from a family of cotton mill workers. My Dad joined the Air Force as a means to improve his lot. While on tour of duties we would often end up on the farm where we did not have running water until I was 8 or 9. We had nothing. My parents scrimped and saved, we did without a lot of things my peers had. When I started work it was to get things that I wanted that we could not afford. When I went to college I worked 40 plus hours a week to pay for it. While in grad school I taught labs as a GA, worked in a deli at night and did maintenance at a cotton mill on weekends. Today my folk have everything paid for, money in the bank. My dad has his Air Force Pension and Civil Service retirement combine, as he wasn’t entitled to both though he did the work to qualify for both. He pays for 3 types of insurance to make sure he and my mom are covered and can be taken care of. Last Sunday my Mom fell and fractured her collar bone, yet the doctors at the base, where my Dad and Mom are suppose to have lifelong free medical (think about this for those promoting government insurance, my Dad still pays for 3 policies to make sure he can get care) she is told it will be two weeks before they will even do an x-ray because there is no doctor available to read it. Good thing my Dad paid for the other coverage so my Mom could be seen downtown. I do not trust that the government will manage health care any better for the general populous than it does for my parents. I do not think it right that my folk are taxed to give money to the vast majority of folk that I seriously doubt overcame obstacles greater than their own, especially to buy a new car when they went without. I busted my butt also, but I did not have the challenges that my folk overcame. My dad had 3 tours in Nam and numerous TDY assignments to fly missions over hostile air space. He spent time away from our family, made the sacrifice needed to put us in a better position. He did it because he cared for us and had the integrity to do something about his situation. Cry me a river while you get your clunker rebate and house tax credit. And my Mom can’t even get an x-ray. Freakin pathetic.