Ah but they will be forever entwined. What i don't understand is where were you guys at when the orwellian government was being pushed down our throats and guised as freedom. Maybe Obama is traveling down the same path but it was a path that was laid out for the last 28 years. He is just adding his little piece to it.
may not be over House seeks $2B more in cash-for-clunker aid | Freep.com | Detroit Free Press anyone here really know how this works? i was thinking about getting a second car. does this mean i should first by the cheapest POS i can find just to trade it in? is this not one of those "rebates" where the dealer just takes it off the markup?
In a nutshell, your vehicle qualifies for trade-in credit if: • It is at most 25 years old. • It gets 18 miles a gallon or less. • It is drivable. • It is registered. • It has been insured for the past year Obama Signs Cash-for-Clunkers Bill - Wheels Blog - NYTimes.com how could anyone claim obama is not a nutty left wing lunatic. paying billions for people to get new cars? christ.
They didn't use near the money yet. in the first 4 days they used 96 million. They realized the 1 billion would be gone very quickly because the program was so successful so they are trying to get more money approved. If you are going to involve the government in business this is the best way IMO. Instead of just handing money over to companies that effed up (ex. AIG) you give the consumers a benefit from it as well while helping out business. The auto industry was one of the first to feel the recession. It started getting bad around 2004 and other than 6 months of awesome sales due to Katrina here it was on a quick decline. Reason I am no longer in it, but many of my long time friends are. Just to show you how bad it is, even with the CARS program and ridiculously huge rebates, they are still struggling to get people with above average credit a loan in some cases. I don't know if this will help any, but at least they didn't just continue to hand money to the big companies without it really benefitting the people who paid the taxes.
This has nothing to do with the economy. People in the market for NEW cars are going to buy regardless. This has everything to do with Obama's Green initiatives. If we stay his course, eventually, it won't be voluntary.
it doesnt benefit consumers! consumers are also taxpayers! if you take my money and give it back to me, i am not helped. and what about the taxpayers who dont even have a car? i ride the subway. why do i have to pay my tax dollars for morons to get shiny new cars? why does the government have to manage every goddamn detail of everything? they are buying people ****ing cars now, ****ing christ what a ****head obama is. this doesnt benefit people. you are acting like the money for this program came from jupiter or something. this is one thing and one thing only: a punishingly terrible boondoggle that only makes america worse.