You made me spit out om diet coke with that one...thanks!!! Well to let y'all know, he hit every button on the airplane about 300 times, light on, light off, light on, light off, my light on, my light off, a/c on, a/c off, a/c on, a/c off, back to light on, light off, kicking the chit out of the persons chair in front of him, talking constantly even tough no one was listening! I swear to god, it was a good thing that I didn't have a weapon! I have NEVER been so happy to land in Atlanta EVER!!! I don't think kids should be allowed to fly business class, people want quiet and that kid wasn't cutting it!
ummm..... i wouldnt make that assumption. speaking of things stuffed in the overhead bins.......:hihi:
Unfortunately for me, most of my trips are 5 day long "business casual" sales trips, which means 5 shirts and a minimum of 3 pairs of pants. Of course, I have brown and black shoes, and depending on the pants I may have to bring both pairs. I know some may snicker, but in sales, you do have to do these things. Occasionally, I travel to do "field" work, in which case it's jeans and polo shirts, but then the outdoor factor means you have to carry fresh clothes for each day.
I am damned near a million miler and can tell every story in the book. If its good, bad, or indiffernt,and happens on an airplane I have experienced it. I also did consulting for a large airline. I hate people who carry on large bags and people who put really small bags and brief casses in over head bins.
Okay, I'm getting uncomfortable now because my last flight with three-year-old Skylar couldn't have been pleasant for those around us. Her weekend in Chicago was obviously too much for her, and she wasn't a happy camper on that flight. At least we got to meet Tony Romo in baggage claim after the flight...
so skylar is the reason for the breakup which happened immediately after that flight. good going since you're a cowboys fan. saved your team at least til the postseason. they are the notre dame of the postseason as you know.
Yes, her crying made Tony realize that children were not for him--so he dropped the child he'd been dating. Don't even get me started on the Cowboys and their postseason woes. I just KNEW they were going to lose to the Giants, knew it. Sometimes it makes me mad I decided to be a Cowboys fan after living here for 10 years.