The fire Brady movement is anything but new. When Brady is gone. You have valid points on Miles and Russell, but Brady has been here long enough to make a pretty good overall evaluation of his coaching abilities and it's not looking good. Don't act as if he was just hired a couple of years ago. ...and the "fire Brady" sentiment is just personal opinion of others and you obviously were offended by it.
Here you go! I'm not saying D Mitchell wasn't important but its obvious that the outside game didn't make an impact in the post season. We won in the NCAA's because of the inside game including TT. TT could hit medium jumpers in those games, something we have missed this year and Chris Johnson could be the answer!
It's different, cause everyone is calling for his head in this thread. I'm going to honestly tell you that I was really let down by the loss to MS State, I mean come on, who loses to MS State!! But I say we give him time to perform, it appears that this is a very hard period of time on both the coach and the players. We should give them more time to prove us wrong, but if this "CIRCUS" continues to go on, Im sure Skip Bertman is going to fire him without any doubts. But this team appears to have no chemistry.
I don't know, 10 years seems like a good amount of time. The only thing that's changed since he's been here is his cheeks have gotten bigger.
Perhaps you have short memory....WE WENT TO THE FINAL FOUR LAST YEAR AND WON THE SEC!!! Brady cant be blamed because this team makes dumb mental errors down the stretch. Ths team was overrated from the beginning based on the assumption that someone would step up to be a PG. The game strategy is there, just poor execution because of a lack of a PG. Now I dont agree with everything that CJB does by any means, but his only shortcoming as a coach that I can see this season is a failure to recruit a good PG. Imagine this team with DJ agustin. We can thank Katrina for losing him. I personally am a lot more frustrated with the lack of fan support at games than anything. THis team went to the final four last year and they cant even sell out for SEC games. At a school which has no problem putting 90000+ in the seats for TULAME football games that is pathetic. Arkansas hasnt had a championship caliber team in 12 years and they still pack 20000 in the Bud Walton Arena every game. And dont even get me started about the season ticket holders who left the BAMA game with 25 secs left down by three and LSU has the ball. Good show of support for the home team
sure we can. that starts at practice. no excuse for dropping 5 straight games that we should have won
Brady's had plenty of time to make LSU a national power again, but has failed. His teams have the same problem EVERY year....poor shooting, poor free throws, and CARELESS mistakes a plenty. John Brady as run his course here at LSU, it's time for a change. I just hope Skip has the sense to realize it.