"trump threw ketchup because he was super angry, according to insiders". this is of course one of the top lefty twitter memes dutifully spread by the NPC crowd
remember, we were told trump is allied with russia. but trump repeatedly scolded germany for buying russian oil and warned them of the consequences. and just as he warned, germany's energy situation is dire, because they were dependent on russia. so again, trump is arguing here to end dependence on russian gas, which would have defunded thre russia war machine. and yet you stupid fucks keep implying trump is loyal to russia, even as he advocated to punish them, predicts the future, offers the solution (american LNG), which weakens russia, and is laughed at when he does it. see how the media narratives are destructive and false? watch trump here in that video above. he asks, why are you funding the guys you want us to protect you from? why indeed? and why was trump ignored? because orange man bad? poland and the baltics, agreeing with trump and not wanting to depend on russia, built LNG terminals in the baltics. that was the exact right move, and what trump wanted. instead we all laughed and kept lying about trump and russia. so now we have a war and 700% higher energy prices in germany.
news today: "Electricity for next year in Germany and France -- both beset by their own severe crises -- are setting almost records almost daily. That’s because Russia is constricting the supply of natural gas" thats what trump predicted "The German equivalent also gained to a record, rising as much as 33% to 995 euros a megawatt-hour for a gain of about 70% this week. In oil market terms, it’s the equivalent of over $1,600 a barrel....Failure to contain the crisis risks spurring social unrest and political upheaval, if the supply crunch leads to blackouts and cold homes this winter... The high power prices could force industries to shut facilities or scale back -- and some may never turn back on. Fertilizer producers are operating far below capacity across the continent, threatening food and farming alike. “Companies are halting production as they struggle to keep up with the surging cost" again, this is the exactly the kind of disaster trump described. but the media didnt like it because he was saying things that destroyed their russia lies. so they had no interest in the story. if it opposes the russia narrative, they didnt like it. nothing can ever disturb the russia narrative.
I think maybe the damage has been done regardless. Get him to back down? Probably not.. I'm not even sure he would get the nod from the RNC as "their guy" this time around, honestly. I could live with it if he does, but I worry him running would do more damage than good just because of the shitstorm that would follow (though it would be entertaining)...
This latest fail by the doj has done just the opposite. I say there is literally no chance he backs down now
Its funny that Trump claims how good he is at hiring people only to later be like "Yo you really sucked bro. Who the fuck ever hired you?"
Speaking of dementia can anyone explain what Donnie meant when he said this last night? https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1566220480905895940?s=21&t=c13Y-0AefmeClVjOGHGHTA
yeah hilarious. your strategy: 1. say something is funny 2. accuse of hypocrisy 3. imagine arrest in the future repeat. @Winston1 do you have any theories about how the media has been so wrong over the years about trump?