Unlike in a criminal case, in a civil case the prosecutors, judges, and jurists are allowed to make negative inferences from defendants pleading the Fifth. trump fucked himself today. Bigly. The wide speculation tonight is that the State of New York is going to shut down his entire corporation.
Here you go https://twitter.com/adamkinzinger/status/1557539219979075584?s=21&t=VRU05gT2uoSlcJorIZqzMg
No got you sport. https://twitter.com/rpsagainsttrump/status/1557375785908031489?s=21&t=YL5ke6p49j4YCLvJDsgT7A
trump took the Fifth 440 times. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/10/tru...of-his-business.html?__source=androidappshare
Only in that he's incapable of telling the truth and would have walked into a perjury charge. But he's fucked either way. As I've said, in a civil suit a Fifth plea can be used against you. The prosecutor can say "he refused to answer this simple question because he's guilty" and the judge will allow it.