Can Trump be stopped?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by shane0911, Jul 24, 2022.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Can you link the speech of video of him saying this please?
  2. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Here comes the ghouls. Been hiding out now you think this is the big one. It very well may be with these fucking NAZI's in power. Go back wherever ghouls hang out you are a disgrace to this country and the spirit of the constitution and Bill of Rights . You are on the side of police state totalitarian government. I figured you out a long time ago you are a fraud and a phony.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2022
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    we know you got this from a meme on twitter. maybe the group "occupy democrats" and then it spread.

    yesterday i linked two fact checking sources unable to confirm it. i can link them again if you like.

    try to approach twitter memes with an understanding that accusing hypocrisy and being snarky about it is the whole goal of twitter. you will be better at twitter then

    Anyone Being Investigated by the FBI Is Not Qualified to Be President of the United States’ Trump Quote Is Likely Misattributed"

    over the course of many many years i think i i can teach you to be more skeptical on the internet, provided you are willing to listen.
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    You are getting too worked up better use this gonna be some leakage for sure
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i mean literally as i i type this the person on CNN said "the walls are closing in" no kidding she just said that
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    What do think they say more, walls closing in or everything is racist?
  7. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    'The left celebrating like its the best sex they've ever had'. :D:D

  8. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    a good read from the wsj editorial board. I too suspect the dems will come to regret 8/8

    Monday’s unannounced Federal Bureau of Investigation search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home isn’t a moment for anyone to cheer. The Justice Department is unleashing political furies it can’t control and may not understand, and the risks for the department and the country are as great as they are for Mr. Trump.

    As everyone knows by now, an FBI law-enforcement action of this kind against a former American President is unprecedented. Monday’s search needed a judicial warrant in service of probable cause in a criminal probe. The Justice Department has provided few details beyond what has been leaked to reporters, so it is hard to judge what the FBI was looking for.

    The media leaks say the search is related to potential mishandling of classified documents or violations of the Presidential Records Act. If that is true, then the raid looks like prosecutorial overkill and a bad mistake. Document disputes are typically settled in negotiation, and that is how Mr. Trump’s disagreement with the National Archives had been proceeding.

    Mr. Trump has already returned 15 boxes of documents, but the National Archives wants to know if the former President retained classified material he shouldn’t have. This is what appears to have triggered the FBI search, but it’s far from clear why this couldn’t be settled cooperatively, or at most with a subpoena.

    Didn’t someone at Justice point out that a search in this case would draw comparisons to Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information before her 2016 presidential campaign? She was never prosecuted, as Mr. Trump was quick to point out. Unless Mr. Trump’s offense involves a serious risk to national security, half of America may see the Trump search as an example of unequal justice.

    This may not be the full FBI story. Multiple media reports suggest that Justice has opened a grand jury probe into the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and Mr. Trump may be a target of that investigation. The House committee investigating Jan. 6 has been cheering for a prosecution, and the political and media pressure is intense on Attorney General Merrick Garland to indict Mr. Trump. The FBI search may be a fishing expedition to find evidence related to Jan. 6.

    On the public evidence so far, a Jan. 6 indictment would be a legal stretch. Political responsibility isn’t the same as criminal liability. In our view, the evidence would have to show that Mr. Trump was criminally complicit in that day’s violence at the Capitol.

    Given its inherently political nature, the burden of proof is especially high for indicting a former President, all the more so for an Administration of the opposition party. The evidence had better be overwhelming—not merely enough to convince a 12-person jury in the District of Columbia, but enough to convince a majority of the American public.

    Then there is the fraught history between Mr. Trump and the FBI and Justice. The Russia collusion probe was a fiasco of FBI abuse of process and public deception. Current FBI director Christopher Wray was Mr. Trump’s choice to succeed the disastrous James Comey, but the bureau still has a serious credibility problem.

    That the Mar-a-Lago raid occurred only about 90 days from a national election also increases the political suspicion. Democrats want to keep Mr. Trump front and center in the midterm campaign, which is why the Jan. 6 committee is continuing into the autumn.

    Anyone who thinks an indictment and trial of Mr. Trump would go smoothly is in for a rude surprise. Millions of his supporters will see this as vindication of his charges against the “deep state,” and who knows how they will respond. Has Mr. Garland considered all of this?

    Worse in the long term is the precedent being set and the payback it is likely to inspire. Once the Rubicon of prosecuting a former President has been crossed—especially if the alleged offense and evidence are less than compelling—every future President will be a target. William Barr, Mr. Trump’s second AG, wisely resisted pressure to indict political actors without a very strong case. The next Republican AG will not be as scrupulous.

    Democrats may also be wrong in their calculation about how a prosecution would affect Mr. Trump’s future. The FBI search alone makes it more likely that Mr. Trump will run again for President, if only to vindicate himself. He will run as a martyr, and even Republicans who want to turn the page on the former President may be repelled by what they see as a political prosecution.

    All of this risks compounding the baleful pattern of the last six years. Mr. Trump is accused of violating political norms—sometimes fairly, sometimes not—and the left violates norms in response. Polarization increases, and public faith in institutions and the peaceful settlement of political difference erodes further.

    The FBI search on Mr. Trump suggests that Mr. Garland may be committed to pursuing and indicting Mr. Trump. If so, he is taking the country on a perilous road. There is much ruin in a nation, but no one should want to test the limits of that ruin in America.
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    racist. thats goal, every time, every event. like the story i described in the other thread.

    biden tweets about dead muslims and hate

    twitter commentariat blames trump and the armosphere of hate he created. turns out klller was sunni muslim. were we to pretend muslims dont love killing other muslims? have we ignored the news every day since were children?

    yunno who hates muslims? the other kind of muslims. but that doesnt feed the racism narrative, nobody cares
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  10. APPTiger

    APPTiger still unable to post Geaux Tigers!

    Feb 18, 2008
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    Trump has been out of office for two years, why now. It has been reported that Obama took over 30,000 documents to Chicago.I guess the National Archive diodn't want those or HIllary's emails/documents either.
    Election 90 days out is why. Garland is either a puppet or really is out for revenge against Trump and his lost Supreme court seat. I though he got a raw deal but now, I am very glad he didn't get a seat.

    We also now know why the democrats are supporting all of the MAGA candidates across the country. It's so they can indict them too. They are already going after others.
    I thought Trump was his usual full of shit self when he said "they are coming after you but I'm in the way" and "they're really after you" maybe he was right (again).
    246 years and this has never happened.

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