she said it was stolen. she didnt mean metaphorically. she means its literally her win, the presidency was stolen from her and she belongs in the white house. you dont mean your wife literally took your heart and now she has it and you dont. but hillary does mean that. she means trump took the presidency from her and she should have it. this is her claim, and your claim, and trump makes the same claim about his loss. again, there is nothing to argue, i got you to concede that both hillary and trump claimed the election was stolen. you tried to re-word it stupidy into "votes" and shit i didnt say, but it didnt work.
i know tons of calm and peaceful fellas that have never been in a fight. i havent either really, since i punched a kid in 7th grade and he shut up. it wasnt a fight. seems a fairly stupid metric for criticism.
for like the 10th time, pleading the fifth is a smart move and should often be done even and especially if you are innocent. trump is not a lawyer, dont let him trick you into thinking taking the 5th means you are guilty.
And nothing Hillary had was classified either right? You sir are so full of shit it absolutely boggles the mind. I would ask you, are you capable of honesty, critical reasoning, logical thought or are you just plain stupid?